Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
Ok, I am just curious and am looking for some kind of answer. It has slowed down ALOT. Actually enough to make me wonder if this is worth it. I just want to know how the other ladies are holding up and where are all the gents at? I know school has started back up and all but really why is it sooooo dang slow, like the hobby world came to a stop?? Did I miss something? Please ladies and gents if you have any advice.. feel free to give it.. Im all ears!!!
pyramider's Avatar
August and September are known for the back to school doldrums in the non school product lines.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
so...this is just a speed bump?? needs to be over asap
And keep in mind Christmas is around the corner and many are saving for that.
Invisible1's Avatar
Yup, Many Ladies will tell you that December is very slow also.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
well.... :/
rxram03's Avatar
I've been on small hiatus myself. Part of it is work and the other being I've had to unexpectedly dip into my savings. So I'm simply trying to replenish what I dipped into. I did however make it a point to let my 2 regulars know what was going on that way they didn't think I was cutting them loose or anything like that.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
And I respect that.. I have or had regulars, who just seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. I am dedicated to my men, so it's really bothering me. Wasnt sure if it was some thing I need to change or if it's just bad timing right now..
Bloodhound's Avatar
Maybe some good specials would help.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
believe me I have a ton of specials going lol already thought about that..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Might I suggest that you post this question in the infoshare area?

This is the type of situation where ladies might not feel that comfortable discussing business, etc., in a coed forum, which is why there probably hasn't been any ladies who wish to jump in and offer advice or an opinion.

Doing more and more specials probably isn't the best approach to creating more of a market for your services when right now, the DFW market is so glutted.

You're very pretty. But I have found that one has to distinguish themselves, in some fashion, to make it for the long term.

I know that you have access to infoshare. It's a good place to ask this type of question!

Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
thank you for the tip i will get in there soon, now it is bed time. lol
Yodamaster's Avatar
Hi lacy I am in... Looking for somthing new
sweet words Elisabeth
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
ok so does touring help? in kind of a home body like to be in my comfort zone...