Proposal of new thread to benefit all

I dont know if this happens to other providers but you post an ad sometimes and get more requests then you can handle ... some days you get none though. One these days I will have specials but have no way to advertise them as I have already posted my weekly ad. How about a thread where girls can only post if they are offering specials that are 20 bucks or greater ,less then normal rates ? Example , I post an ad monday for my normal rate... later in the week biz is slow and I want to offer sessions at a discount for that day.
I feel it would benefit the girls get biz on slow days and the gents will hobby on a budget can take advantage of the offer. What say yall ?
Passion2015's Avatar
Sounds like an idea
heartbreak's Avatar
Dynamic pricing. I support that. Sports teams are moving to that exact pricing strategy so people can pay less money for less popular teams that are in town.
Im apart of the hump league ... its a small team only consisting of myself but daily I pick up one or two gents to help me practice.
GneissGuy's Avatar
You can put that info on your showcase. Looks like you could put a lot more info in your showcase than you already have listed.

Ask the mods first, but I think you could put something like "check my showcase for specials today 3/13" in your signature line. I don't think you can list the special, but you can mention it.

If you change your signature line, it shows up in all your posts.
I appreciate your suggestion and thank you. The issue I see with that is gents will only see that if they click on my profile and go to my showcase , same with other ladies. This thread would gather all us ladies with specials for that day and gents could simply log on and have their pick of the littler out of the thread. Less footwork for gents looking and greater chances of being seen for ladies offering.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 03-13-2013, 12:35 PM
They've tried to make threads with special availability threads, like one recently for short-notice availability, and they never work because, well, to be polite, some people have problems following simple directions and it ruins it for everyone.
I remember that train wreck. It was a bummer because I loved that idea. I was hoping with the guidlines of this being clear.. . ad reads : Normal rate $111 Todays discounted rate $000 or something to that effect , it would be obvious the girls who are not following the guidelines , the ones who are posting only their normal rates. Perhaps we could have the thread only open to girls with rates clearly posted in their showcases , so it will be easy to spot the frauds. Maybe rule breakers could get infractions instead of a thread shutdown. Im just throwing things out there, Im not even going to pretend I know the ins and outs of how things work behind the scenes here. It might just be more work for the mods or might not be feasible at all. Great to hear feedback though. Thank you all.
I think it is a great idea for the reason stated.

GG, I will start doing what you suggested as that is a good idea. The drawback is that a provider has to come up with a response to a thread that is already in play - I, personally don't have time to hang out here waiting to chime in. Nor do I want to start a threAD and be accused of doing so.

I realize the 'last minute cancellation' thread was cut-off due to the inability of some providers not being able to read or follow SIMPLE rules.
There are many providers, myself included, who pre-book as our 'real lives' preclude us from taking last minute "you available??" calls/texts/Pm's.
Yet, if I find myself free to play and willing to temporarily adjust my rates, then it would be a win/win to post a brief " I am available from ___to___ today and offering a special fee of $___until 9:00 tonight".

That being said, the provider has the ability to still avoid the cheapskates who always try to nickel and dime and be lucky enough to find a quality guy who may legitimately be on a tighter budget.

(Insert:big blue eyes with imploring gaze here) - please mods?

As I hate typing on my iPhone...I am outta here ;-)

The Goddess of goodness...
This sounds like a fantastic idea for both ladies and gents. I wish you the best in getting Mod support. It sounds like you are already getting plenty of support from the gents.
Why thank you Homer
You can put that info on your showcase. Looks like you could put a lot more info in your showcase than you already have listed.

Ask the mods first, but I think you could put something like "check my showcase for specials today 3/13" in your signature line. I don't think you can list the special, but you can mention it.

If you change your signature line, it shows up in all your posts. Originally Posted by GneissGuy

I already look for this, as some of the other ladies are doing this now. I check showcases frequently of ladies I'm interested in to see for any updates/photos.

I do like your idea. I hope to see it soon.
Also, PB I like your new avatar pic.
Thank you so much , I needed to hear that. Its always nerve wrecking putting a new pic up. Im a die hard non-conformist. Much to my detriment im learning on here. I havent filled out most of my showcase , I just pm or email ... no hobby phone and I can be fickle and picky about who I spend time with. Ive learned these are frowned upon ways of going about things around here. Honestly I think it effects me negatively on here. What can I say , Im a strange bird ... I do most things a little different. As much as I pride myself on not conforming however ... Im learning perhaps its best to conform just a little , if it means less stress about bills etc. Im going to work on getting more pics up and maybe one day if I get really bold... even filling in that showcase.
put in in your weekly ad in your sig line or where ever,
to always check your Showcase or website for daily Specials...