Respecting Agencies

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-23-2011, 01:32 PM
please vote
please vote Originally Posted by GP
Let me go literal and contrarian on you GreatPenis (I assume that's what GP stands for).

The double use of the word "any" when the word itself means 'non-zero' opens an enormous portal to step in and in an effort to be precise. This can happen while nevertheless having little respect for nearly all agencies.

As much as I prefer Indies (East or West), there are some women and some clients who believe they perform a service to their own selfish interests.

The spirit of tolerance alone should be sufficient to allow that for some women and some clients, an agency represents their own best option on some occasion.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-23-2011, 03:09 PM
I left it very vague and subjective on purpose.
Had to vote "no opinion", as there never seem to be any agencies in Buffalo, they all seem to be in Rochester, so I've never had any dealings with an agency.
Jack Horner's Avatar
Voted No Opinion as I've avoided them on instinct. That is not respect or disrespect for any one agency. In other places I've lived there have been a few good agencies and mostly bad ones.

The good ones tend to be run by someone best described as a former or sometimes current provider herself, an occupation in days gone by that begins with 'M' and rhymes with 'Adam.' She understands customer loyalty is to the house and not the provider, and that her customers want variety. She will go to great lengths to understand her customer base's preferences and will suggest providers who meet those criteria, while discouraging appointments that will lead to disappointments. Even if it costs her business for a night, she understands that continued good experiences will lead to long-term client relationship, while one bad experience might lose a steady customer for good.

The bad ones tend to be run by someone whose occupation begins with the word 'P' ends with the word 'P' and rhymes with 'Shrimp.' These are people (mostly, but not exclusively men) with one foot out and one foot back in a jail cell, usually for offenses far more serious than what that line of business by itself entails. These individuals have a rotating line of 'product' that they keep strung out on what they sell them and have no interest of anyone's welfare but their own. For them, there is no past or present with providers or clients, only the fast buck now. That has been most agencies.

Beyond these generalities, I welcome experiences people have had and look forward to the results of the (clearly biased) survey.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I voted no. And I can not comment more that that. As I have said to much in other threads. If others want to use them they can. I will not.
iva1234's Avatar
I vote no,
the out of the noware texts and pictures are
hard to explain , even though I have asked to
not recieve such things. The cat people wanting
a bunch of info up front just to be worthy....
And then the phone or phone book getting in to
x employees or others hands....... Not really worth
all the trouble...But I do like the concept of making
a call to one number and being offered a choice of
whos on or in town......
Lexxxy's Avatar
My opinion is support independent Ladies all the way. It is like comparing Burger King to the amazing mom and pop burger stand down the street.
I personally am an indy and respect indys a lot more for a plethora of reasons. Us indys are the strong, strong willed, hard working, brave, entrepreneurs, and business savvy Ladies that struck out to do our own thing.
I also look down on agencies in due to lax security and the horror stories Ladies have told me about when they tried to leave, they got blackmailed as well as outed to their families.
I have been offered but agency was never an option for me. I could never imagine putting my safety, personal life, choices, and future in the hands a business other than mine again. I am extremely picky in regards to who I will spend my time with and I chose to stay very low volume. That is why I give prebook specials and return Gent specials, so I have time to pick and chose who I see and so that my dance card is full of prebooks before I even get into town. I could never imagine being forced to be high volume or being forced to see people that I know nothing about again. I already worked UTR and in the dark "with" someone when I first started and it was hell and scary. I was only allowed to know "Bob will be here at noon", no phone numbers, screen names, what sites they were from, what their screening answers were...NOTHING because they were "her clients" that I couldn't "steal them". That would be multiplied by 10 working for an agency.
Just my personal insight and my 2 cents here.
Support your local businesses owners
Jack Horner's Avatar
My opinion is support independent Ladies all the way. It is like comparing Burger King to the amazing mom and pop burger stand down the street.
Support your local businesses owners
Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Very persuasive you are. I could be won over to you point of view. However, I've had some of my best experiences through agencies. For someone who is new in town, travels a lot and is likely to move on (like me) agencies will take a chance with someone that an independent won't touch. Indies can be flakey and are often 'here today, gone tomorrow.'

Not all agencies are the same and not all are exploitative. Some in the Bay Area and in Amsterdam are structured as cooperatives, where the providers watch each others' backs and share the profits. The better agencies take care of their service providers with the understanding that satisfied employees mean satisfied customers. Not every provider wants to do the marketing side of the business, from designing the website to answering the phone. They might be working several jobs and with the agency one or two nights a week. Sure, in both places you have the slave trade rear its ugly head, but the point is you can't generalize.

In response to your analogy, I'm someone who won't patronize either Burger King or the mom&pop burger stand around the corner. I want to support local businesses, but my tastes are more like supporting a vegetarian place run by hippies.
wantsome's Avatar
Agencies are like phone books, they served a purpose at one time, but are not really needed in today's world. Prior to the web becoming the prime spot to find providers, agencies were the best source. Back in the day I would always use agencies. Often times when you were in a new area they were the only hobby source you could find. I assume it made sense for providers to work for an agency because it was more cost effective to have the agency pay for the advertising than an independant taking ads out in phone books or local alternative papers. It was always a roll of the dice on who would show up at the door. Was it the hottie the agency described on the phone, or someone that looked like Rosie O'Donnel. Thankfully we now have other options.

Todays providers can set up a personal web page for little cost and it relays more information for potential customers than an agency will ever give for the lady. Why would a provider choose agency work when they can get the same number of clients without having to take a cut on the revenue?

Its the one industry I can think of thats just the opposite of what has happened in the real world where the big box store has replaced the little indi shops.
roscoe14850's Avatar
......or someone that looked like Rosie O'Donnel. Originally Posted by wantsome
I need a drink to flush that image from my mind!
I dont think a gallon of Drano could remove that image...
Jack Horner's Avatar
Let me clarify something. The real reason I voted 'No Opinion' is that I haven't used an agency and have seen only independents since I moved here. I've avoided agencies as a matter of preference, but not out of complete disrespect or utter contempt. The strong wording of the question implies loss of all respect to vote 'No'. I'm not willing to vote 'Yes' because I have had no experience.

As of when I write this, more are voting 'Yes,' meaning that they have some respect, yet the discussion is dominated by those voting 'No.' Not trolling or wanting to start a flame war, but I'm curious to hear from the other side.
agencies have provided me the most entertaining online prostitution drama on this here message board. keep up the good work, y'all are a knee slappin good time !!
In the old days, before internet, the main way to find and see girls was an agency... there were several good ones around at that time... adam and eve particularly comes to mind... There were however, those that were questionable. Most of the time, and after using them for a while, they get to know you and your likes etc... that doesn't mean that you dont occassionaly get that one that makes you think to yourself... what the hell were they thinking... but for the most part, most of the girls i met back then through agencies, I would LOVE to see again! several in particular come to mind! so if your out there reading this , Hollar at me!!! lol
But there in lies the difference... the girls themselves i believe are different... now it seems more to be about the quick buck.. and the advent of the internet has added to this... as opposed to sitting around waiting for a call or two a night, there might be 20-30 emails about setting up appts that make them want to push these girls to make the most $$$ ... agencies back in the day used to truly value their repeat customers.. thats where their bread and butter was... today... there really isn't anything like the the repeat customers of days gone by... when all else fails, blame facebook... or cl for that matter