Tweets from "Donald J. Drumpf" (parody site)

(Drumpf was The Donald's paternal grandfather's name, which was Anglicized more than a century ago after he emigrated from Germany.)

Some of those are pretty funny.

How about that orange handlebar mustache?

Goes well with that hairstyle, doesn't it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Twitter troll for President!
Here's a little riddle you can try on your friends and family just for fun:

"Who is the wealthiest U.S. real estate developer/investor with the first name Donald?"

(Hint: It most assuredly is not a certain self-aggrandizing narcissist seeking the Republican Party's presidential nomination. And that's not even a remotely close call.)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here's a little riddle you can try on your friends and family just for fun:

"Who is the wealthiest U.S. real estate developer/investor with the first name Donald?"

(Hint: It most assuredly is not a certain self-aggrandizing narcissist seeking the Republican Party's presidential nomination. And that's not even a remotely close call.) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Donald Bren.

US$15.2 billion (June 2015)

and Bren is completely self-made, his father was a Navy officer. Bren was an officer in the Marines for a time.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
" And "revise" our past years taxes once a light gets shown on our money laundering scheme. We " forgot " to include Slick Willy's 'slightly used skid-marked underwear ' donations to the poor in our tax returns. Nothing major here folks, move along ! "
" And "revise" our past years taxes once a light gets shown on our money laundering scheme. We " forgot " to include Slick Willy's 'slightly used skid-marked underwear ' donations to the poor in our tax returns. Nothing major here folks, move along ! " Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
If you put as much effort into finding a job, maybe you wouldn't be so poor and have to bang
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you put as much effort into finding a job, maybe you wouldn't be so poor and have to bang Originally Posted by WombRaider
sit down puss in boots. no one asked you.