Flag Burning

so how do the posters in the forum feel about burning the American Flag

If I did what I would like to do I would go to prison for the rest of my life
BigLouie's Avatar
The supreme court settled this matter decades ago
The supreme court settled this matter decades ago Originally Posted by BigLouie
I didn't ask what the supreme court ruled on dipshit
goodman0422's Avatar
I do not support flag burning but I can't help but realize that when protestors do it, they only prove that this country is not as oppressive as they claim. If it were, they would be arrested. For this reason, I agree with SCOUTS decision that it falls under freedom of speech.

If I saw someone disrespecting a US flag, I would yell, "Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where the ungrateful can exercise the freedoms of this country? Thankyou for demontrating the privileges this country offers! God bless America!"

My actual goal would be to piss them off but the irony of the situation would require me to say something.
I don't think they would get it, but maybe those passing by would.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I as well as my father fought for your right to do so.

I hate seeing it but if they want to protest they have the right to do so.

Bitter sweet.

America is such a great country we give you the freedom to hate it.

Now if they would just give me the freedom to fuck a hooker without it being a crime I would say my time in The Army wasn't wasted.
I hate it just as much as anyone. But to be arrested and jailed for it is denying that person's right to free speech. If I saw it happening I'd try to grab the flag and run. Free speech and all...
bambino's Avatar
I hate it just as much as anyone. But to be arrested and jailed for it is denying that person's right to free speech. If I saw it happening I'd try to grab the flag and run. Free speech and all... Originally Posted by Prolongus
You would run. What a pussy.
LexusLover's Avatar
At the moment it is "protected speech" ... IN THIS COUNTRY ...

... BUT IT'S NOT "protected speech" for citizens of another country to burn our flag in their country.....IMO ..... any government of another country who condones or acquiesces the burning of the U.S. flag in their country ..... should have any aid or assistance from this country withdrawn .... and their representative in this country "invited" to leave, while we call our representative in their country "home" with all the staff .... and a beefed up military presence in the U.S. PROPERTY in their country to assure the integrity of the U.S. PROPERTY.

Of course, written notice to the government representative in this country will suffice to adequately inform them.

Citizens and governments of other countries ought not to desecrate the symbol of this country while accepting the benefits from this country..... fuck 'em.
You would run. What a pussy. Originally Posted by bambino
Better option than yours,TITZ: pissing on it to put it out.
bambino's Avatar
Better option than yours,TITZ: pissing on it to put it out. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I always knew you were a little libtard punk. And stupid. You've exposed yourself punk boi. Now RUN away fuckwad.
so how do the posters in the forum feel about burning the American Flag

If I did what I would like to do I would go to prison for the rest of my life
Originally Posted by gary5912
And I would probably be in a cell next to yours for those same reasons. I'd like to see what a gay Mexican in Mexifornia thought if I were to have a flag burning of the rainbow flag and the Mexican(t) flag !!!!
goodman0422's Avatar
What I would really like to do is open up a shop that can profit from these idiots and have fun doing it. There would be three tables. At the first table I would sell them a properly folded flag. At the second table, I would charge them to squirt lighter fluid on the flag they were holding. At the third table, I would have them hold the flag in front of them and shoot them with a flame thrower as I recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The ashes would be respectfully buried, taking care to separate the ashes of the douchebag that was holding it, as burning and burial is actually the acceptable means of flag disposal. Proceeds would be donated to programs that aid the families of fallen service men/women and police officers.

This way everyone is happy.
What I would really like to do is open up a shop that can profit from these idiots and have fun doing it. There would be three tables. At the first table I would sell them a properly folded flag. At the second table, I would charge them to squirt lighter fluid on the flag they were holding. At the third table, I would have them hold the flag in front of them and shoot them with a flame thrower as I recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The ashes would be respectfully buried, taking care to separate the ashes of the douchebag that was holding it, as burning and burial is actually the acceptable means of flag disposal. Proceeds would be donated to programs that aid the families of fallen service men/women and police officers.

This way everyone is happy. Originally Posted by goodman0422
+ 1 !!! Bravo !!! Lemme know if I can contribute some Nitro Methane so " table 2 " ! It's a super flammable and explosive liquid formerly use to clean printing presses but is now used as fuel for dragsters and funny cars on the professional drag racing circuits. Just stand WAAAAY back with the flame thrower when you are doing the pledge. Wouldn't want you to be " collateral damage" when the idiot detonates, ya know. Fire safety and all that !
LexusLover's Avatar
What I would really like to do is open up a shop that can profit from these idiots and have fun doing it. Originally Posted by goodman0422
Just stick with "fabricating" the flags with the "proper materials."

Why deal with all that other messy stuff ..disposal and licenses?

Think "outside the box"!

Do not forget the obligatory product warnings:

"Do not burn this flag!"
"Do not stomp or jump on this flag!"
"Do not get this flag near flame!"
"All of the above WILL BE hazardous to your health, well-being, and continued life and your pursuit of happiness!"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Not up to me or the government to tell people they cannot burn the American flag.
Now if there is a burn ban in that area, I would charge them with violating the burn ban and hope a jury gives them life......lol