For pure sex, I have found that strippers have a slight edge. They are absolutely crazy, pure and simple. However, that craziness tends to translate very well into the bedroom. There is an element of fierce passion that is hard to beat in sex. The uncontrolled bedlam (often caused by various drugs and alcohol) is an advantage in the bedroom. The problem with strippers, is the craziness goes every else as well. That same uncontrolled bedlam can result in some harrowing experiences outside the bedroom (e.g. Wakeup's link).This is dead on.............Great distillation of how it is..............
Providers, although they can be quite skilled, tend to be more business-like in the sex. I am aware there are magnificent exceptions, although I am speaking of the average provider. They seem more controlled. They are doing this purely to make money, and being in control at all times is important. This helps in keeping everyone safe, but in the bedroom, gives the slight nod to strippers. Originally Posted by Molay