I agree.

However after the Zimmerman trial, I believe anything is possible.

It is hard to believe how little some people feel like s person's life is worth.

I feel sorry for the deceased and her family.
Been discussed. Did you actually read the article? She robbed him and defended his property as allow by law. He did NOT shoot her because she refused to have sex. He was found not guilty under the law because you are allowed to defend yourself from a robber. At least bother to understand before you get so bent out of shape.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Been discussed. Did you actually read the article? She robbed him and defended his property as allow by law. He did NOT shoot her because she refused to have sex. He was found not guilty under the law because you are allowed to defend yourself from a robber. At least bother to understand before you get so bent out of shape. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
OLD BUT FUCKING STUPID you are a fucking idiot. he killed a human being over a disputed 150 bucks. and that is HIS story. the dead girl did not have the chance to tell her side of the story.

ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. that is what some guy chose to shoot a woman and kill her over. hope it never happens to you.
I agree w/ JPDM but without all the dramatic response. Think about it, this fucking dirt bag took a life and got away with attempting to conduct an illegal transaction (theft or not) for a measly $150 bucks. Lawful or not he needs to rot in hell!
Technomad's Avatar
OLD BUT FUCKING STUPID you are a fucking idiot. he killed a human being over a disputed 150 bucks. and that is HIS story. the dead girl did not have the chance to tell her side of the story.

ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. that is what some guy chose to shoot a woman and kill her over. hope it never happens to you. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco

Look man... hate to say this but Texas is a gun state... (Hellloooo Lone Ranger based on TEXAS RANGERS Helllooo)

People in all of Texas would be well advised that the law (In TEXAS) supports use of deadly force to protect property (and money is property). Therefore if you abide in Texas you also abide by the laws in Texas. ALL OF THEM. If you do not like the laws of Texas leave... In Maryland for example you cannot use deadly force to protect property. You also have the burden of retreat if anyone enters your home. In Maryland you must retreat if that is an option no matter how much you fear for you life or property.

Texas is better I think... but Maryland may work for you.

Would you have felt better if he had strangled, bludgeoned or knifed the said thief?
pyramider's Avatar
Move to CA, you can just about cut someone's head off and get off ... ala OJ.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Look man... hate to say this but Texas is a gun state... (Hellloooo Lone Ranger based on TEXAS RANGERS Helllooo)

People in all of Texas would be well advised that the law (In TEXAS) supports use of deadly force to protect property (and money is property). Therefore if you abide in Texas you also abide by the laws in Texas. ALL OF THEM. If you do not like the laws of Texas leave... In Maryland for example you cannot use deadly force to protect property. You also have the burden of retreat if anyone enters your home. In Maryland you must retreat if that is an option no matter how much you fear for you life or property.

Texas is better I think... but Maryland may work for you.

Would you have felt better if he had strangled, bludgeoned or knifed the said thief? Originally Posted by Technomad
abide by the you pay for sex? then you are not abiding by the laws of texas. maybe maryland would work better for you. i don't give a fuck in this case about the law...a douchebag killed a girl over 150 bucks. sorry if that is protected by a state full of douchebags...not all of us here feel that is right. a 23 year old girl was shot and killed by some guy. i guess you feel this is ok because the law, or at least the jury, said it was ok. trying to justify it, or tell us that is just what we have to expect living in this state, is bullshit.

sorry but this story just blows me away how a jury could let this guy off. makes me wonder who made up this jury.
Any law that allows for the use of deadly force in the "defense" of $150 lifted without violence or threat of violence (neither of which was present or it would have been reported) is absurd, in my very humble opinion. It's bad law and even worse social policy.

Just an opinion, boys and girls. But don't waste your breath with broad analogies or long winded replies in an attempt to convince me otherwise. The law sucks and anybody who supports it under the facts of the case at hand sucks more. In my humble opinion, of course....

All the foregoing said, I don't hold the jury responsible. It's the law that they were bound to follow that I take issue with.
Try to take my properety no matter the value and I will try to stop you. And, if I feel threatened enough I will use any means at my disposal to defend myself and my property. she could have not tried to flee with the money. she chose to run from him. the end result is regrettable but was her actions that caused her death. No loss of life is to be taken lightly. Ever. I am sorry she died. But she is at fault not him. He may have chosen other actions, and I bet if you asked him he wishes he had let her go, but he was right under the law. If you don't like the law change it .

Oh, and there was a pimp in the car she was running to. Shooting her may very well have saved his life. The pimp could have been armed but seeing a guy with a gun already out may have caused him to not take action himself. Of course we dont know that an dmany other FACTS becasue its a story, not the entire case.
OLD BUT FUCKING STUPID you are a fucking idiot. he killed a human being over a disputed 150 bucks. and that is HIS story. the dead girl did not have the chance to tell her side of the story.

ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. that is what some guy chose to shoot a woman and kill her over. hope it never happens to you. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
So tell, me at what value is deadly force warranted to defend your properity? $1000, $10,000? Your car? Your life savings? Your moms wedding ring that has been in the family for generations? At what point would you pull out a gun to defend your properity? 3 of you have mentioned the $150 as an issue. Why? Why would deadly force be justified for ANY amount in your eyes?

It will never happen to me because I will never be out tryng to rob someone.

And yes, its his story. And there was a pimp in the car who apparently did not dispute what happened. Neither you or I were there to hear and see what happened. All we have is a a news story clearly written to draw attention instead of simply reporting what happened. I have not read the court records. Why do you seem to doubt his story? The jury with access to all the evidence and facts belived him.

We all have moral values we live by. And, faced with stress we may act in ways we would not in cold retrospect. I hope I never have to decide if I should act with deadly force. But, If I have to, I will.
roaringfork's Avatar
I take the case as an illustration of the relatively high ethical standard to which hookers are held. When they lose their whole paycheck to a scamming stripper, most guys just laugh and say, "Well heck. Got hoovered again."
She was fleeing right? No harm was being done to said hobbyist correct?

The law is the issue....the reason for the law relates to racism.....and the change of our social views on race, finances, religion and life have outpaced the "upgrades" needed to our justice system.

Everything in life has to adjust to change, or it will not be present in the future!

Do what you can do to make a difference in society and change "unjust" laws.

A better question is...."How much is your life worth?"

Better much is it on paper!
So the mother fucker shot her in the back while she was running away....even worse!
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
So the mother fucker shot her in the back while she was running away....even worse! Originally Posted by GoManGo
He actually shot at the car, claiming to have aimed for the tires, and got her in the neck.

I don't know all the details so I am trying not to jump to too many conclusions. The fact that they both agreed to break the law before she broke another stands out to me. Calling a Craigslist hooker at 4 a.m. is asking for trouble. It could have easily turned out badly for him given where he sought services, but that is a risk one takes when breaking the law at 4 a.m. on Craigslist. That is the reality of the world we live in. I also know the feeling of violation that comes from having something stolen from me. It's infuriating. Still, I'm not going to leave my car unlocked in the hood with my purse laid out on the front seat and not own some responsibility when it gets stolen. He lost a lot more than $150 that night, but who knows if it was worth it to him? The principle may just be enough.

How many providers have been robbed/stiffed after providing their services? I can't help but wonder if the law would back them in the same scenario.