TattooHead's Avatar
A businessman got onto a TWA flight and sat down. After take off, a petite stewardess in TWA uniform came over and said "would you like anything to drink sir, we have wonderful TWA-champagne, very good TWA-wine, delicious TWA-coffee..". Lacking the patience to listen to her go through the entire TWA drink menu, he interrupts and says "I'd just like some of your TWA-Tea please".
alphonse1948's Avatar
TH, great oldie but goodie.Heard that one in 5th grade! Not telling you what decade..
TattooHead's Avatar
I guess I'm behind times on good jokes. I will have to catch up with the times.
alphonse1948's Avatar
I guess I'm behind times on good jokes. I will have to catch up with the times. Originally Posted by TattooHead
It is a good joke. Say that on a flight today your next destination will be with homeland security.Lawsuits by womens groups,
RickForFun's Avatar
Sorry, but I'm missing the punch line here. Help an old Dawg out please.
TWA tea (T)

Lol i almost didnt get it either. Had to say it out loud.
Good one.