Vagina is full of the same probiotic bacteria that is packed into every health-conscious product from yogurt to kombucha.
Vagina is home to billions of bacteria. The official term for this genital ecosystem is the vaginal microbiome and it prevents bad bacteria from blossoming and taking over the cooch.
Seventy percent of vaginas are dominated by one species of Lactobacillus, which produce lactic acid and keep pussy at a pH level of 4.5
To be a useful probiotic, vaginal fluid would have to contain enough good bacteria to make an effect.
How much bacteria is in a serving of pussy? Furthermore, what would constitute a serving?
According to Dr. Mendes-Soares, there are about 100,000 to 100 million Lactobacillus cells per gram of vaginal fluid. So for one face-humping session to have probiotic properties, the humpee would have to swallow between ten and 10,000 grams (10 kg) of vaginal fluid. One of those seems doable.The other,less so.
For those with microbial ecosystem pussies bring on the rain.