What if you have a less than inconspicuous vehicle...

CoitusMaximus's Avatar
So here's a topic I've wondered about recently after a change of vehicle.

Hobbyists- lets say you have an inconspicuous vehicle that tends to attract attention. Does it make you nervous knowing you might be catching attention from others...maybe in a location where there's already frequent visitors in and out? Do you take any extra precautions?

Providers - does it make you nervous at all to have vehicles coming and going that stand out a bit more and might attract the attention of neighbors or other people who might be nosy?

I'm sure there's lots of people with cars that attract attention for one reason or another so I'm curious to hear the thoughts of the group... I think I just felt better when I seemed to just sneak in and out haha.

It's possible I'm just overly cautious... I hobby a handful of times a year, and even stay pretty under the radar w/o reviews etc, maybe I'm just not used to it.
circumstances's Avatar
Sounds like you're being paranoid. And bragging.
CoitusMaximus's Avatar
Sounds like you're being paranoid. And bragging. Originally Posted by circumstances
Is that better for you???....

Not a single person on site knows me personally, and providers are certainly more concerned with how someone acts and takes care of business then the type of car they drive... not sure what I'd need to brag for.

Now, paranoid, that could be... I'll take that. I'll take paranoid over doing something without thinking it through any day though.
circumstances's Avatar
I saw a backpage provider that charged 250hr, but her driver was cruising her around in a Bentley. I don't think you'll have any problems.
I actually was imagining a truck with a business sign on it. Or one of those wrapped cars with all over advertisements...

Not a Lamborghini...
endurance's Avatar
If you're rich enough to have a car that ridiculous, you're rich enough to have a 2nd car that's not, right?

Or rent/borrow?
My neighborhood is so full of ridiculous cars, I can't even imagine what one might have to drive to really draw attention. People don't even flinch when the Secret Service drive past anymore...
CoitusMaximus's Avatar
With the exception of a response or two this ended up being a fail. In no shape or form am I claiming to be rich. I'm sorry if the ask made it seem like I'm trying trying to bran in any way... that certainly wasn't the intent.

I visited with a provider not too long ago that was in an apt complex that was narrow and the buildings faced each other. She had me park right in front of her garage door which just happens to be in view of...oh... 20 other balconies. Just a scenario that I felt like I stuck out too much.

Either way...the easy answer seems to be that I need to worry way less. Got it.
Yes, worry way less...relax way more!
If you have a hobby phone, why not have a hobby car??

I recall a provider who lived in a nice apt. community with a garage under the apartment. The instructions were to pull into the garage. Upon parking in the garage, it closed behind me and I immediately received a text to come on up.....t was a bit eerie the fist time
Still Looking's Avatar
Some guys take the bus to sessions!
governmentguru's Avatar
Park down the street and walk. I do that, and I drive an everyday ordinary vehicle.
FootLong's Avatar
I have a "nice car", not a Bentley or anything but I suppose in the Luxury category. Went to see a provider at an apt where the car was not the 'norm' let's say. Had a good time with the provider, who I had seen many times, then next day noticed somebody had 'keyed' my vehicle. Wasn't too awful, but you can see it.

That's the kind of 'attention' I do not need to attract. (This was in SA btw.)
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 01-19-2014, 10:22 AM
We all set our own levels of safety as do Providers. It's an agreement between the big head, little head and the gut for us.

As you cruise through the alerts you'll find examples of cases when guys balked and ran. Some might be justified and others not. Still boils down to how they felt about their own personal safety.

Is your concern more about LE than getting ripped off or robbed?
Sounds like he's more concerned about getting noticed.