Writer Doing Research on Escorts for Screenplay

First of all, I want to state that this request is 100% legitimate. Although I've only written/produced one short film (comedy), my credit can be verified online. Additionally, I am a State Employee, currently working in downtown Austin. This information (and anything else required) can/will be verified upon request.

This is strictly a research only project. My intent is to interview a variety of women about their insights and experiences as escorts. I need the dialogue of my characters to read/sound genuine, not something made up by an uninformed author. The only way to authenticate that dialogue is from real world experiences.

We do not need to meet in person. This can be done via email or phone conversation, though I would prefer a conversation -- because I'm a writer and you don't get rhythms of speech; accents; laughter; attitude; emotion, etc. from typed words.

I will not be asking questions that would reveal anyone's identities. I am not interested in anyone's biography, or personal history. I'm mainly interested in experiences; anecdotes; slang; how one maintains a relationship outside of work, etc.

I have prepared a questionnaire that I will send out to those who are interested in communicating through email only.

Also, I have set-up an account on this site to receive messages from those who are interested.

As stated above, I will provide any information that is needed to validate my legitimacy, or answer any questions.

For those who may be wondering why I'm not interested in interviewing men, my fictional story doesn't include any prominent male characters.

Thank you and I hope to read back from some of you soon.

"I think without writing I would feel completely useless."

- Sam Shepard
circumstances's Avatar
Wow, 3 post all about writing a screenplay? I'll bet you get avoided like the plague! This hobbies main creedo is discretion.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 01-20-2014, 08:02 AM
He's just wanting to interview some ladies. He's totally up front and not trying to 'out' anybody, even going as far as to do all through email if that makes her more comfortable. It's research, what better way to get accurate info than to go to the source?
Secret_Amore's Avatar
>_> Dude your TOTALLY stealing my thunder! I spent 11months throwing myself in to the Hobby world, becoming an escort learning, absorbing, and trying understand just so you can come along and out do me in the end! >:O NUUUUUUU!

Bish I eat People! >:W

this is My story go away. >:/

I kid...sort of. naw I'm a bit Jelly tho.

bet you didn't understand anything I said towards the end. :P

you could just take your time a read through the forum, there are lots of interesting stories here. This place is a gold mine of interesting experiences and you can probably find the answers to all your questions without even having to talk to someone.

especially the alert section

I would be interested in seeing the research you've managed to gather
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 01-20-2014, 11:43 AM
I might suggest that you first call some of the ladies(?) on BP. If nothing else you'd gain an appreciation for the ladies on this site.

Not that everyone on BP is questionable, as some ladies on ECCIE still maintain a presence there, but it might help in refining your interview process. Good to be able to recognize "Fool's Gold" before you get to the good stuff. MHO
Thank you for the suggestion, though I never gave consideration to cold calling anyone, whether it be on this site or BP. Although I know my intentions are legitimate, there's surely to be some skepticism. My hope was to interest a few providers in submitting to an email questionnaire and gaining some positive word of mouth. Fortunately, I've had three responses so far, and all three have been most gracious in willing to devote their time by providing answers to my queries. I'm hopeful to read from more providers in the near future.

If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be most appreciative.

nuglet's Avatar
Several years ago... we had a screen writer become a guest/visitor at our club.. He came to many parties and openly let people know he was working on a "Swinger Lifestyle" piece..
He would sit in the main conversation areas, talking to couples and even would put a pocket tape recorder on the table so no one would think he was hiding anything. I think the project eventually did not get the green light, but about 6 month - 1 yr later, the Swinger Show (whatever the name was) came on the air..
I, at face value, would take Diamonds word for what he's doing, it's not out of line, at least with the intro he's stated.. and No, he, the write I speak of, never came alone, but seldom played, although many of the dates he brought did enjoy the pleasures offered..
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 01-20-2014, 04:22 PM
you want to write a crazy badass story on escorts, here look through this thread:


follow that drama from top to bottom and get back to me when you get an oscar.
Whispers's Avatar
Thank you for the suggestion, though I never gave consideration to cold calling anyone, whether it be on this site or BP. Although I know my intentions are legitimate, there's surely to be some skepticism. My hope was to interest a few providers in submitting to an email questionnaire and gaining some positive word of mouth. Fortunately, I've had three responses so far, and all three have been most gracious in willing to devote their time by providing answers to my queries. I'm hopeful to read from more providers in the near future.

If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be most appreciative.

Thanks. Originally Posted by I. A. L. Diamond
There are thousands of Escorts that advertise and ply their trade on ECCIE.....

A handful that actually post and participate in discussion.

If your 3 have a posting history in coEd or ISO or other areas they may not be reflective of the sampling you are looking for.

The views you will be presented will often be jaded and overly opinionated and not necessarily what others would consider to be common.

You method for gathering the information is basically flawed if you have no way of determining the subjects actual immersion in the material themselves.

You probably want the opinions of long time members that run ads and receive numerous reviews with some consistency over the years.

Unfortunately, none of them are even your to see and read your request.

You need an insider that can hook you up with the subjects that will be most useful.

No. I am not suggesting I can nor would I.

It's simply obvious that you do not understand this place to know any better.

I would be interested in talking with you. I am also a writer (among other things) and am writing a screenplay - so, in exchange, I get to pick your brain for advice. Fair? ;-)

I will then mention YOU in my 'thank you' speech as I win my Golden Globe and Oscar *wink *.

Of course this part of my life will be tabloid fodder so, might as well make the 'story' more salacious than the reality...right?

email me if interested - thanks!

Whispers, a very insightful post. You hit the nail on the head when you suggested that what I need is an "Insider" -- but that's like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. I did fancy the idea of paying a Provider to sit down for an interview, but I decided not to when I considered what I would do if a stranger asked that of me. Perhaps I would say "Yes," but I would be cautious and guarded with my answers. The only way that scenario would work is if the Provider trusted me, and who knows how long that would take? Also, I didn't want to limit my research to just one Provider.

Fortunately, my story is outlined. I don't need to create scenarios and plots. What I need are details and thoughts -- that peculiar painting on the wall of the motel room --- or the dust bunnies in the corner of the room that the maid staff neglects to sweep up --- something that made her laugh --- or a moment of vulnerability. On and on and on... any morsel of information that I would never conjure in a million years, anything/everything that gives color to my characters.

As for seeking experienced/well-reviewed Providers --- Yes, preferable. But I should've stated that I welcome the experiences of every demographic. These experiences -- whether it is 20 years or 20 days --- are unique to the individual, and invaluable to my research.
Aphrodite, thank you for your reply. Yes, I'm interested in talking with you. I've sent you an email.
If you want insight, start by seeing a few ladies. Real research is never free. Also since it's a screenplay you should get familiar with the guys side of the equation.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I am also interested.
HunterGrace's Avatar
I vouch that Francesca is a plethora of great stories and great experience. I, too, would like to help. I aspire to write and I have the stories to write about. Here are some things that I know a little something about: Providing (of course) GFE, Dominatrix, Hosting a successful glory hole for over a year with many many providers servicing the hole, manscaping, recruiting ladies into the scene, being a hobbiest, doubles sessions, being a courtesan for just one gentleman for many months, getting caught by the wife, doing it in public, starting major drama on the boards with Whispers (oh the good ole days), I was even accused of organizing the women for the purpose of price fixing, I've branded and rebranded my provider persona, have gone through name changes, rate changes, weight gains and losses, gosh, have I left anything out? I've even had my dear friend and hobby roommate die suddenly and I was the one to find her. Been questioned by homicide, accused of murder by her family......

I'll talk, what do you want to know?