Ladies, ?? About References

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I noticed in a previous thread about phones and phone numbers being given out and it got me wondering.

I have several ladies that I prefer to use as a reference being that they are well known. What I want to know is how do you prefer to be contacted for a reference? Being that some of you have day jobs or whatnot since you can't answer the phone all the time. Sometimes I have had s couple of providers try to contact and not have any luck but fortunately I am such a great guy they see me anyway lol.

Just wanted you ladie's opinion on thus subject
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
1. PM
2. E-mail
3. Text

In that order. I hate being called for references (unless it is a provider I know and she respects my time and is to the point).

Most of the time when providers call me for references they do not have enough information, do alot of stuttering and mumbling and just end up wasting my time.
Magical Melissa is the best when calling for a reference. She has it together!

God forbid you call me for a reference than ask me to "hold on" ...
allofamber's Avatar
Email or PM
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Email,Pm call/text not an option as I dont list my number. Any client who give my contact to a provider should ask me first. I know what you mean Brooke and I agree email or Pm is the way to go i check daily
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I will most definitely do this from here on out as I for some reason never asked and ask those that I have given there number as a reference to forgive me for doing so. It won't happen again.

Some don't mind calls but some do. I just didn't ask and should have
i agree,, in that order!!
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
PM. or Email.
I really don't like the phone thing.

"Hey, Hi, Diana this is _____.. There's a guy by the name of _____ with the handle _____ and the phone number 512, oh wait - do you need to get a pen? Well he looks like this & that.. Ok so he said he saw you like 2 weeks ago, you wore this, you said that.."

Over the phone? Yea right. I'd rather black & white text bc it gives me time to back log & see if I remember & give the proper amount of information when giving the reference.
Email only, I have everything saved in my email program, so all I have to do is right click and the reference is immediate.