Stacey Madison?? Bengal??

What's with the Stacey Madison and this Bengal member ?? Leo??
I read that thinking, WTF!
wishuwrnear's Avatar
Not sure what or role Bengal has in all this
but I hope stacey gets better!!! What a buzz kill!
And Bengal is the one ripping Amy/Gwen a new one while she's "gone"....weird.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Guys, take the warning at face value. It is what it is. Had long discussion with the dude. I had to warn him about his violations of the guidelines when it came to Amy/Gwen. If someone is genuinely wanting to change their life, let them be. No need in getting caught up in needless or unwanted drama.
Maybe there should be a "drama" sub-forum....
Curious Cpal why would you put a sticky then lock his thread. Unless we want to keep it out there for sometime?