Airport Security Debacle

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
So, what do you all think of the fuss about the latest airport security measures using X-ray cameras and more thorough pat-downs?

I fly a lot, so I'm all for tighter security. Some are arguing that it isn't effective, and to them I'll respond that it may not be as effective as we'd like, but we know it's a lot more effective than not doing it, which is what matters.

When you read through the arguments from those who are complaining, substitute 'smoking ban' for 'security measures' and you quickly see that it's the same whining, same arguments, different topic.

Nobody is losing any personal freedoms because we all maintain our rights to not fly and therefore to not be subject to the security measures. However, all of us who do choose to fly are now a little bit safer.

Just like we can all decide to boycott cities and bars that ban smoking. But those who choose to patronize those cities and bars are less exposed to a health risk.

Just my opinion.

Thoughts? Anybody had a good/bad experience yet?
Boltfan's Avatar
I think for those that are experienced travellers this will not be an issue. We know how to pack light, etc. so as to not run into these issues. For those who fly once or twice a year they just think about how much shit they will need on the other side and don't consider the hassles of getting there.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Yes, I think this is a much bigger deal for infrequent travelers who aren't as familiar with the process. I've been experiencing 'erotic' pat-downs by female security personnel at Heathrow in London for years. We're still newbies here when it comes to dealing with terrorist threats.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I haven't been flying internationally but I've done a bit of flying the past couple of months. I haven't noticed a difference. I do see a lot of pointing and discussion when my luggage goes through the xray machine, but what I travel with is always an entertainment for most.

Yesterday, while flying back from Chicago, there were a lot of families on a Saturday, which I'm not used to. For whatever reason, the line went slower and I don't believe it was because of the families. Officials seemed to be more on alert. Could have been my imagination.

I need to check into the sandbox section more often!!!

tsrv4me's Avatar
This is an excellent idea. It handles the problem perfectly.

Gotta love the common sense factor in this...

Airport Security Solution

Here's the solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the Airports:

Have a booth that you can step into that will not x-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on your body. It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial.

Justice would be quick and swift.

This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now. You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion.

Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers. We now have a seat available on flight number 4665 .....
Paging maintenance.
Shop Vac needed in booth number 4."

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
The Chertoff Connection: Body Scanners are About Profits... Not Protection:

mansfield's Avatar
Yeah screw that whole 4th Amendment thing, it was just getting in the way.
I got body seached in Vegas this last week and it was only upper body pat down, no big deal!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
What happens when a terrorist transports chemical explosives/poisons up their ass?

That is the next logical step for them, since that is the only place we dont look.

Get ready for a cavity search.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Don't blame the TSA, blame the terrorists.

Yes, a child, a disabled person, or an old person could be carrying something dangerous, with or without their knowledge. If they're getting on my flight, I want them screened.

Yes, pilots and flight crews are susceptible to bribes, extortion, and human failings just like the rest of us. If they're getting into the airport secure zones, I want them screened.

Yes, YOU can choose an alternate form of transportation if you're not comfortable with the rules. This is an OPT IN process because you want to fly, so stop with the BS about constitutional rights. This screening is something that you CHOOSE! You aren't eligible for it unless you choose to buy a ticket, and you know the terms and conditions for flying before you purchase.

WE frequent fliers understand that this is not a perfect solution. We understand that some companies are profiting because of the usual government contract bullshit. BUT it's BETTER THAN NOT HAVING IT. If you don't like it, suggest something better, don't just bitch about it. The security is needed, unfortunately.

In Israel, they interview you for 1-3 hours. Would you prefer that?

In London, cops stand behind the ticket agents at high-risk airlines with machine guns.

Brace yourselves... we still have it very easy here.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Anyone who thinks this makes us safer is being foolish. Al Queda has basically said their entire goal has been to make people miserable and force the west to spend as much money as possible in the name of "security". Yet 9/11 could easily happen today, and I could tell you right now how to get an explosive on a plane and detonate it. On top of that, someone looking to kill passengers could kill more in a terminal than they'd ever get on a plane.

This is what happens when people insist the government "do something", and when you give government officials a virtual blank check to spend and do whatever they can imagine. Just because something might happen doesn't mean we need to do everything possible to stop it.
mansfield's Avatar
Don't blame the TSA, blame the terrorists.
Doing all this over the top stuff is our fault, not the terrorists. It's an ineffective solution that does nothing but make the cattle feel safe.

We have here a search without a warrant before engaging in a perfectly legal activity and most people think that's a fair trade?

That's insane. And we're insane for allowing it. Would you stand for this same kind of search before being allowed to go into a mall?
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Anyone who thinks this makes us safer is being foolish. Al Queda has basically said their entire goal has been to make people miserable and force the west to spend as much money as possible in the name of "security". Yet 9/11 could easily happen today, and I could tell you right now how to get an explosive on a plane and detonate it. On top of that, someone looking to kill passengers could kill more in a terminal than they'd ever get on a plane.

This is what happens when people insist the government "do something", and when you give government officials a virtual blank check to spend and do whatever they can imagine. Just because something might happen doesn't mean we need to do everything possible to stop it. Originally Posted by sharktrager
Sorry, you are wrong. Anyone who thinks this makes us 'safe' is being foolish, but anyone who thinks this doesn't make us 'safer' is being just as foolish.

I can point to a number of near-misses that the latest measures would have prevented, that's why I say you are wrong. We aren't 'safe', but we are definitely 'safer'.

Instead of the political BS, if you have a better idea, let's hear it. What would you do that would be better? I don't care if the TSA can see an outline of little L4L if it makes me safER, but then again, I didn't give a shit about Janet Jackson's pasties during the SuperBowl either.
mansfield's Avatar
Instead of the political BS, if you have a better idea, let's hear it. What would you do that would be better?
How about secure the borders and deport people in massive numbers, while profiling any non citizens to the extreme?

Oh no, can't do that, might hurt someone's feelings.

Instead let's treat a 78 year old grandmother from Iowa the same as 3 guys carrying Korans and no luggage with one way tickets and here on a student Visa.

Yeah that will work.