Guys who carry...

the1999person's Avatar
Haven't hobbied in a long long time. But my question is for guys who carry. What do you do with it during the session?
fourbarrel4u's Avatar
Most of the girls I see know and understand. I’ve got a great girl I see at home though that can’t stand them I actually rented a room on the same floor and put it in there one night. When we was done I went an crashed in my room.
  • El-mo
  • 05-04-2021, 06:51 AM
I don’t want to make this a whole 2A thing, but carrying on a date seems like an implicit threat. I understand that robbery is a risk, but truthfully, you’re most likely to be robbed after you’ve undressed, so you won’t have it on you, anyway. If you leave your wallet in the car, the most you have to lose is your donation. Cell phones are easily traceable, so the robber would have to be a fool to take that from you.
bkfantasy's Avatar
I always thought it was just an invitation for someone to steal a gun, since most of the visit you are naked and distracted. Seems like a terrible idea.
eyecu2's Avatar
Gun and wallet stay in the car. I'd rather lose cash but be able to find a defensive position vs walking into a setup and be shot w my own gun. That would suck way worse. Desperate people do desperate things, and I don't want to be the results of somebody's bad day and bad decision
starway's Avatar
Gun stays at home that day. I usually won’t even leave it in the car.
Ive never found it necessary to carry into an incall. If I am that worried about the girl or location I am listening to the wrong head.
I don't even take a wallet TO a session. I leave a $20 in the glove box in case I feel the need to stop at the store afterwards, but leaving anything in the car during a session just seems to be asking for a busted window and missing items.
(to stay on topic, I don't own a gun, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't take it into a session. Getting shot or shooting someone, while a worst case scenario, just seems like an unnecessary risk when we're talking only a couple hundred dollars.)
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LC9 in my front pocket.
Agree with others.
Gun and wallet stay in locked glove box.
If I feel I need a gun in there I shouldn’t enter.
I went to see someone in Carnegie about 10 yrs ago. Girl agreed on giftcards and $100. Had our session and she wanted $200 more. I said, we agreed on $100 and giftcards. She says she is going with me to the ATM. I said "no fucking way" She goes nuts and says she is calling her brother. Less than 5 mins later 2 black guys come in the apartment and stand near the door. I tell them our agreement and they stand there saying nothing while this bitch rambles on. Finally I grab my phone and dial 911 and send. I then show them the phone. They let me out and I bolt out as fast as I can.

The next day she texts saying how she has my license plate which I knew was bullshit because they didn't know my car. Never heard from her since.

The police did however call me asking if I had an emergency. I told them I saw what appeared to be a crime and gave them the apartment info. Apparently nothing happened as the girl texted me threats the very next day.

One of the scariest moments of my life and it made me think about where I am going for incalls. Also why I tend to stick to amps.
Just in case, I carry a small can of pepper spray. Its small enough to fit in a front pocket. 2.5 Million Scoville in a 2oz spray. There has been once or twice where I thought I might have to use it.