New Female condom

What is everybodys thought on this new female condom created by a South African doctor.

All I could say was ouch and holy shit!!!

I think it is a little barbaric myself, but to each his own, maybe it will deter some of the crime.

To the mods: I hope this is not against some violation of the rules, that I may have missed and I hope this is in the right area if not feel free to move it. When I saw this I wanted other folks take on it.
I saw that and it does seem barbaric. Keep in mind, it was developed in a part of the world where women are much more vulnerable and rape victims are not treated very well. If it punishes rapists, they deserve to feel the pain they inflict on their victims.
Just hope it isnt purchased by a jealous girlfriend, spouse, or a provider intending to rob a client. In the wrong hands,things could go very wrong.
yeah I have to agree vito, i forgot that the laws in South Africa are different from ours.

That would suck if ur jealous girlfriend,spouse or non legit provider were to use it
KCQuestor's Avatar
I'd be more worried about the rapist taking his pain out on the victim. I mean, if she was being raped she's probably already helpless and alone. Imagine her trapped in an ally by a couple of guys. She "bites" the penis of one, and even if he is totally 100% disabled, the other one just beats her senseless or kills her.
Kaboom's Avatar
I've seen pics of this around for a little while. I worry that it could lead to rapists just inserting other objects up there first, causing further injury to the woman.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-22-2010, 06:53 AM
Oenghus.....the only rule is breaks is the "chill down my spine" rule.....LOL!! That thing looks barbaric!!
Yeah I know bubba. I was like wtf lol