How many agencies and entities do you think have tracked your data on websites you use.

grtrader's Avatar
I'll let you ponder it a while before I jump in. You might want to think of reasons other than busting you for prostitution and then start working that line.
grtrader's Avatar
Well since no one chimed in a reason for why any agencies might watch escort sites. Or what agencies and Le participate in this I will drop a hint not sure it matters. Funding for terrorism. Primarily generated by human trafficking and sex slavery.

so maybe you can guess or work out from that the number of agencies looking at these sites.
google. then google api and voila.
i am sure the Illuminati have a file, too. not to forget the aliens that control us from outta space.

goood fish, yumyum
Cpalmson's Avatar
If Big Brother is paranoid or feels threatened of my internet habits, then our country is so far gone, it can never be saved. I'm sure every acronym soup agency out there runs legal and probably illegal monitoring of everyone's internet habits. That's what they call data mining. The problem is there is way too much information and too few analysts to sift through the data. Besides, if every now and then you mention "the only good Islamic terrorist is a dead Islamic terrorist", BB will know you are a true American patriot concerned only with sex, food and football (not necessarily in that order).
If Big Brother is paranoid or feels threatened of my internet habits, then our country is so far gone, it can never be saved. I'm sure every acronym soup agency out there runs legal and probably illegal monitoring of everyone's internet habits. That's what they call data mining. The problem is there is way too much information and too few analysts to sift through the data. Besides, if every now and then you mention "the only good Islamic terrorist is a dead Islamic terrorist", BB will know you are a true American patriot concerned only with sex, food and football (not necessarily in that order). Originally Posted by Cpalmson
most of the raw data is analyzed using AI algorithms and support vector machines. if there are enough scores above a threshold, the site/profile gets on a list for manual checks. high score profiles have dedicated staff that follows them in fora etc.
i do not believe a hobbist qualifies for 'high score profile'. plus local LE lack the technical resources. why would you spend 1500 USD per day on a qualified datamining analyst to chase a hobbyist.
pyramider's Avatar
Its probably covered somewhere in the Patriot Act.
Cpalmson's Avatar
most of the raw data is analyzed using AI algorithms and support vector machines. if there are enough scores above a threshold, the site/profile gets on a list for manual checks. high score profiles have dedicated staff that follows them in fora etc.
i do not believe a hobbist qualifies for 'high score profile'. plus local LE lack the technical resources. why would you spend 1500 USD per day on a qualified datamining analyst to chase a hobbyist. Originally Posted by Buonas
How do you get a job as a datemining analyst? $1500/day is damn good money
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-05-2010, 08:31 PM
I'm pretty clean on the slavery and human sex-trafficking stuff.

Should I still be worried?
Develop algorithms that can analyze data and sell it as a service. This is what i do for a living. I have a Piece of software that used for Researching Search data. Used manly by SEO firms, We do not charge by the hour but get $1500 a month per client for 8 hours access to the system. And currently we are at our cap of a pretty good amount of people.

Fun stuff if you are into programming Math and Science are a must.

How do you get a job as a datemining analyst? $1500/day is damn good money Originally Posted by Cpalmson
nebtex1's Avatar
MSNBC had a special on last weekend about sex trade as slavery in the US ... it was pretty enlightening.

My take away was why aren't the PD's vice squad concentrating on that (pimps forcing girls and/or use of underaged girls ... actually several of the example cases were kidnapping of underaged girl and using then as sex slaves and pimping them out) ... as opposed to raiding a "social" or harassing "consenting" adults.

If vice concentrated on "forced" pimping / "underage" / "streetwalker" ... their resouces would be much better utilized!!!

I was frankly shocked at the lack of responsiveness of LE to the case(s) (underage & forced situations) presented in the MSNBC special (I was also shocked that there was actually something worthwhile on MSNBC).