Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

media likes to twist things up.

in this case, they're trying to make it look like its Fauci vs. Trump in terms of bad blood.


its bad enough that the media tried to make Trump look bad by taking his comments out of context regarding getting certain supplies to states.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you're from New Orleans.. does this cause you concern?

HoeHummer's Avatar
The comments he makes while standings in front of Trump, Dillsy?

He’s got about a week before Trump fires him, i reckon..

It’s your medias that’s fucking it all up, eh?

Speaking the plains truth is getting pretty hard around here.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Well seeing that the Doc has decades of experience tackling pandemics then you’d think the orange bozo would take note.

Alas no, Trump has to grab the limelight. He hates folks that are much more knowledgeable than he will ever be.

It’s only a matter of time before Trump gets rid of Dr Fauci and hire one of his favorite YES SIR men.

Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t qualify...he just has to nod in agreement and be his personal butt kisser.
Solemate62's Avatar
Fauci to Dilbert: You’re a moron! You’re EEG score is in negative territory!
LexusLover's Avatar
Fauci to Dilbert: You’re a moron! You’re EEG score is in negative territory! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Does the virus make people stupid?
Lapdog's Avatar
Does the virus make people stupid? Originally Posted by LexusLover
That would be an improvement for you if you got it. Why don't you go out and shake some hands?
I'm sensing that not a single moron lib actually read the story in the OP.

Fauci's own words.

"That is really unfortunate. I would wish that that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than trying to point out differences," Fauci said. "There really, fundamentally at the core when you look at things, there are not differences. The president has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I've made recommendations, he has taken them. He has never countered or overridden me. The idea of pitting one against the other is just not helpful. I wish that would stop and we'd look ahead at the challenge we have to pull together to get over this thing."
Now stop doing exactly what Fauci says you do by pitting them against each other. Trump listens to him. Again Fauci's own words. Fucking Morons.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The lady doctor gave the media a spanking yesterday also, while sounding like a sweet grandma. She’s awesome.
The lady doctor gave the media a spanking yesterday also, while sounding like a sweet grandma. She’s awesome. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I didn't see that. Have a link?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'm sensing that not a single moron lib actually read the story in the OP.

Fauci's own words.

Now stop doing exactly what Fauci says you do by pitting them against each other. Trump listens to him. Again Fauci's own words. Fucking Morons. Originally Posted by eccielover
At one of the press conferences a few days ago, Trump said he wanted to start opening things up by Easter Sunday. Dr. Fauci immediately stepped in and said that decision should be dependent on the virus outlook on that date. Since then, Trump has been very careful in some of his statements to include such words -- tempered optimism rather than unfound optimism.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 07:00 AM
EL and SR - well written
Thank You!
At one of the press conferences a few days ago, Trump said he wanted to start opening things up by Easter Sunday. Dr. Fauci immediately stepped in and said that decision should be dependent on the virus outlook on that date. Since then, Trump has been very careful in some of his statements to include such words -- tempered optimism rather than unfound optimism. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, exactly, Trump has opened his mouth on several occasions with unfound optimism as he is wont to do. But in every case of actual implementation of policy, he continues to defer to the experts.

Certain media then hones in on a certain soundbite and acts like it's policy already implemented. Then the moron's who follow them like many of the posters above continue to spread the lies. It's a vicious cycle.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I didn't see that. Have a link? Originally Posted by eccielover
Ask and ye shall receive.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 07:56 AM
Dr. Birx is sharp - as is Fauci.