Ok ladies... I have given him ample time to make it right...

I didn't want to have to post this. I hate these kind of threads but I don't want anyone else making the same mistake as I did with this guy...

For a few weeks now, I have been back and forth with Hotdigitaldog. He was preverified with three providers to be safe and a good Hobbier to have visit you. I knew that he would be arriving Yesterday and we would be going out on the town to a SC and retiring at my incall for an overnighter. We had CONSTANT emails back and forth.. some reaching as many as 22 a day... building up the date. He texted me yesterday afternoon saying he was in town and very excited and would be arriving at ten or a little after. He then called me twice thruout the day to talk while he was driving. (again more time spent on him) I knew that we were scheduled for an overnighter so I had arranged and paid a sitter for my children to be away. I also went to buy the alcohol and wine that we had discussed in the emails because he was arriving via plane on sunday and the stores weren't open. (More money for the evening of our date I spent to make and keep the appointment for HIM).

I went to the restroom at 3:30 and found out I had an unexpected visitor from Aunt Flo. I was devastated. I texted him to call me so that I could give him some options. When he called back, I told him I could either find him another girl on the board that would cover me, give him the evening and company out on the town with some amazing skills while driving to and from I could do and give him 200 off entire date for the evening, or he could just come by for a bng since we had been talking. He said he would think about it and call me back.

He called back and asked if I would be ok with doing a 2 hour with him instead of the entire night for my hourly rates. I was game for this. Instead of going out, we were just going to stay in, enjoy the warmth of a fireplace, and drink some wine and do "OTHER" BCD things that I'm known for. He texted me back about twenty minutes later to make sure I was ok with JUST the two hours. I said "Yes" since we had been talking so frequently for three weeks now. So, the night was still on for TWO HOURS. Kids are still at sitters. The wine is still chilled. I'm ready. Mood is set. I turned down calls that could have been done with what I was capable of doing instead of full service. I'm waiting at 10... 10:15... 10:30... and I text him since he was supposed to be here at ten or a little after. With him not being from here, I wanted to make sure he wasn't lost. It wasn't until 10:51 when I finally get a text back, saying he was drinking and wont be able to come. WTF???? Ladies and gentleman, can you imagine if a provider did this? We all know that this thread would have been posted wayyyyy before NOW. It's only because i got an email from here saying... "

I am so sorry for my behavior last night, I should not have had as much to drink as I did, that's no excuse but its the reason. I let you know as soon as I realized I was not going to be able to drive (we wound up taking taxis to the hotels).

Let me see what I can do with my schedule and try to see you today (at least to meet you and apologize in person). This is something that I work very hard NOT to let happen, I know how difficult your schedules can get...."

I have sent him an email back along with a text asking to make me whole for everything I'm out. Like I said, I bought wine, alcohol, paid for an all night sitter, and missed three quick calls last night because of HIM. I am not asking him for my two hour rate. I'm asking for the money I am out for him NCNS'g me. I just want to be made whole. I have told him that if he comes thru to make me whole, I will then publicly announce that he did and will close the thread peacefully. But for now, it's open and the ladies need to know the amount of trouble you will go thru while dealing with him and the things you will miss out on if he doesn't come thru.

Sorry, if this is long, but I am a little upset that I went to so much trouble, even willing to find him another provider for a session. He wanted the two hours and was fine with that. So, WTH happened. Drunk? Really? Plain and simple... NCNS and I'm out money for the date.

Guys do these on providers everyday. So, I'm putting my neck out here.
I hate that this happened to you. Yes, he should at least send you a Green Dot for the money for the sitter, the wine/alcohol, and anything else you were out. I really dislike turning away appointments based on one cat who never shows... but when they do show, then I'm alright... but when they don't... it's very upsetting. It hurts my feelings as a person, and to think it's so close to Christmas and missing out on that much money is hard. He just really took advantage of your time and disrespected you. Hobbyists want to be able to tag NCNS's and such to our profiles... we need to be able to tag instances like this to theirs. Anyway, sorry this happened to ya, and I hope he will reimburse you at least for what you spent on the date to get ready.

Oh and if you haven't already - post an alert on providerbuzz and if he contacted you via p411, let Gina know.
Thank you Annie so much. Yes, that was my thoughts exactly. It is christmas season, I have two to buy for. I just want the money that I'm out that could have been saved (Plus the quick ones I could have made more on) to be put back in my pocket for my family.

Yes the providers are always tagged as NCNS when most of the time it's only the gas money of the HOBBYIST that is wasted and drive time. I literally set the entire night.. shelled out money... and missed money while waiting on him to show... after he confirmed less than 6 hours prior. I would expect anyone that is out money either a hobbyist or provider to post this kind of thread. It costs me money to make this date happen.
I know how you feel.. it's happened to me.
NOW, come to find out a provider has come forward to say, she saw him this a.m. UGHHHH>..
sorry that happened to you. It's happened to all of us.
Glad I canceled LOL
To be fair, his references sucked. The only reliable ref he had for me, was almost 2 years old.....Hence the cancellation. I don't take out of town references, and he had ONE reliable Dallas reference, and she admitted she had not seen him in years.

Screen screen screen!!!!
Too drunk to follow through with the date huh? What a moran, I would much rather get drunk with one of you than a few hairy legged buddies,
LazurusLong's Avatar
NOW, come to find out a provider has come forward to say, she saw him this a.m. UGHHHH>.. Originally Posted by Amber Rain
And I bet if you ask that other provider, SHE was not on her period!

Not really defending him completely BUT, tons of emails and schedules and BAM!

You discover you start your menstrual cycle less than 6 hours before he is supposed to arrive?

I'd be drinking heavily also and start dialing right away for a Plan B.

Did you prepay that sitter 6 hours in advance? Pretty sure if you called them and said, oh, my plans feel through I won't need your sitter services, no problem.

As for the alcohol, sorry but state law allows Sunday alcohol sales up till Midnight. I know this because I've been to my Kroger's and grabbed beer to go to a Sunday Night Football game and had no issues.

  • Monday-Friday: 7am-midnight
  • Saturday: 7am-1am
  • Sunday: noon to midnight
  • A wine only package store that holds a beer license may not sell wine containing more than 17 percent alcohol by volume on a Sunday or after 10pm on any day.
  • A wine only package store that does NOT hold a beer license must have the same hours of sale as a package store.
Unless that wine had more than 17% it can be purchased on Sundays. Not sure what other alcohol you may have purchased other than that "special" wine.

The booze you bought BEFORE you started bleeding, you don't think that you won't be able to use that for another appointment soon?

Sorry but I find it hard to understand why some women seem to get surprised when wow, look at that, my period just started! What a surprise that monthly thing that's been going on since menarche is here again!
Glad I canceled LOL
To be fair, his references sucked. The only reliable ref he had for me, was almost 2 years old.....Hence the cancellation. I don't take out of town references, and he had ONE reliable Dallas reference, and she admitted she had not seen him in years.

Screen screen screen!!!! Originally Posted by Dannie

Actually, I did screen screen screen. I talked to THREE dallas providers... TWO of them with IMPECIABLE recent references. I always screen for safety and anyone who knows me... knows I will put them thru the wringer just to be verified. I don't see new guys. This guy came highly recommended.
And I bet if you ask that other provider, SHE was not on her period!

Not really defending him completely BUT, tons of emails and schedules and BAM!

You discover you start your menstrual cycle less than 6 hours before he is supposed to arrive?

I'd be drinking heavily also and start dialing right away for a Plan B.

Did you prepay that sitter 6 hours in advance? Pretty sure if you called them and said, oh, my plans feel through I won't need your sitter services, no problem.

As for the alcohol, sorry but state law allows Sunday alcohol sales up till Midnight. I know this because I've been to my Kroger's and grabbed beer to go to a Sunday Night Football game and had no issues.

The booze you bought BEFORE you started bleeding, you don't think that you won't be able to use that for another appointment soon?

Sorry but I find it hard to understand why some women seem to get surprised when wow, look at that, my period just started! What a surprise that monthly thing that's been going on since menarche is here again! Originally Posted by LazurusLong

LAZ, as I stated above.. I gave him the option OUT at 4 p.m. He called me and knocked it down to TWO hours because we had been planning this for soooo long. I was fine with that. I still had my children at that time and if he wanted to cancel I would not have drove 30 minutes each way to drop them off and pay 100 bucks to all night sitter. I offered to find another girl. I offered 200 off the all night adventure HE wanted to go out on and stay the night. I offered him a quick BNG. HE CALLED BACK TO BOOK FOR THE TWO HOURS. And, the Monthly thing can never really be planned for which I'm sure you don't understand being a man. Nor, will you ever. I bought a specific WINE for our appointment that we communicated thru emails about.

When he called back to set the two hours, I kept the sitter because the night was going to be late and my children would be asleep by then. He would be arriving from ten to about midnight... so leaving my children sleeping was the best option as I stated I had to drive 30 minutes each way to get them and bring them home at 1 or a little later.

And no, you cannot buy Liquor on Sundays. Just had to clarify that I bought both for appointment.
surprise visit? seriously, this thread is all about the negatives the guy had, but i've never met a woman in my life who didn't at least somewhat "expect" aunt flo to visit. it sounds like you put him in an awkward situation and he tried to oblige you the best way he knew how - then as the night progressed, and he had a little liquid courage in him, he told you what he really wanted to tell you from the get go, that he wasn't interested.

things changed on YOUR end first - then he tried to accommodate. i'm not saying he shouldn't have just been up front with you from the get go, but i certainly don't think the full blame lies on him. he was put in a somewhat awkward spot.

edit: i read your rebuttal about how guys don't understand, yada, yada. i've seen weddings, holiday trips, etc., planned around "aunt flo." it's predictable to a certain extent, and you don't have to be a woman to understand biology.
surprise visit? seriously, this thread is all about the negatives the guy had, but i've never met a woman in my life who didn't at least somewhat "expect" aunt flo to visit. it sounds like you put him in an awkward situation and he tried to oblige you the best way he knew how - then as the night progressed, and he had a little liquid courage in him, he told you what he really wanted to tell you from the get go, that he wasn't interested.

things changed on YOUR end first - then he tried to accommodate. i'm not saying he shouldn't have just been up front with you from the get go, but i certainly don't think the full blame lies on him. he was put in a somewhat awkward spot.

edit: i read your rebuttal about how guys don't understand, yada, yada. i've seen weddings, holiday trips, etc., planned around "aunt flo." it's predictable to a certain extent, and you don't have to be a woman to understand biology. Originally Posted by thatguybonzo

Yes, the body is an amazing thing isn't? The body changes with longer months, with stopping or starting of different birth control options. It did change on my end. Regardless, I gave him the OPTION out. Should've taken it knowing the lengths I went to to keep the date happening at HIS request. I"m done!
Looks like I dodged a bullet as well.
Sounds like this guy was playing alot of us ladies here in dallas. First dannie, me, and now Reese. HMMMMM. Maybe he was playing a game with all of us. Thanks for coming forward ladies.