Michael Phels gets 15 months probation and so the fuck what?

tatasddd's Avatar
Recently I read an article about a young English student (about 19 years old) who wants to move to the USA and as a number one reason for his decision is " The Police in England and the way they control people". This young fella has no idea of the world whatsoever outside of the UK.
The most communist country in the world is The United States of America. To be more precise the biggest DICTATORSHIP is the United States of America. It also is the biggest POLICE country ever human has known.
Examples : you will pay your taxes by April 15-th, you will send your kids to a school (they tell you to), you will pay for health insurance, you can't hire a whore, you can't say the N word etc etc. Many you can't's. Some of you will argue that this is the "rule of the law" ha ha ha. This only makes me laugh. Anyway!

Recently Michael Phelps was arrested and subsequently convicted of DUI and related "crimes". I have no problem with him being punished. The problem is the retarded media that licks ass and shows this as an example of others how we "punish" even those who are famous and successful.

In a country where the top news in the paper and the local channel is "What some fucking Police Chief of some 2 sq. miles Borough who is 300 pounds and barely fits in his patrol car or office and is so out of shape has said" and related news, and something like Phelp's case from something small becomes a national sensation to serve as an example of how "fair" and "just" the system is, I do have serious reserves about the Democracy of this country. The US democracy is a pseudo Democracy. A Bullshit one that stinks from 1000 miles.

OK so Michael Phelps is convicted and sentenced? And so the fuck what?

Michael Phelps is known all over the world. He is in perfect shape. He is many little kids' hero. He has a fortune of some 22 million and I am sure he fucks hot bitches and doesn't give a fuck. Most of all Michael Phelps remains Michael Phelps - the most decorated Olympian and every American (even those who are retarded as fuck) must be proud of Michael Phelps.

The court in Maryland is some fucking old retarded judge (who is probably a faggot)and some fucking court in Maryland nobody gives a fuck about and nobody knows. This whole shit is pointless as is most of the things government does.

Tatasddd is a former Freestyle and Butterfly competitive swimmer and a contributor on ECCIE international.
lustylad's Avatar
Damn, what an insightful analysis of our criminal justice and political systems.... I had no idea that Michael Phelps' 15-month probation sentence proves we have faggot judges and live in a communist dictatorship!

Oh well, feed the troll.... isn't this why we welcomed tatas back from his vacation?
tatasddd's Avatar
Damn, what an insightful analysis of our criminal justice and political systems.... I had no idea that Michael Phelps' 15-month probation sentence proves we have faggot judges and live in a communist dictatorship!

Oh well, feed the troll.... isn't this why we welcomed tatas back from his vacation? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yours and ours (I also am an American by Citizenship) (Criminal and Political systems) are complete joke and far from Democracy. Both are big businesses. Americans can pursue happiness with one small condition - if they are not rotting in jail.

As I have previously said I make a difference and differ myself from the government and decent citizens of the USA. I have thousands of good fellow Citizens. The government is a different thing. By no means do I hate American folks. I don't want anybody left with such an impression.
lustylad's Avatar
Fyi, tatas is organizing a Justice for Michael Phelps march this week. PM him for details.
tatasddd's Avatar
You are 1 total retard LL
lustylad's Avatar
As I have previously said I... differ myself from the... decent citizens of the USA. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Yes, I am very perverted and I am not shy to admit it... Originally Posted by tatasddd

Whew! Ain't it a relief to know we're not all pervs like tatas?
lustylad's Avatar
You are 1 total retard LL Originally Posted by tatasddd

I don't wanna be called Yooooooooooo n....r!!! Originally Posted by tatasddd

eaglehorse's Avatar
Wow, I making this post of Tits into a question on my Political Science final in the spring, where did the commie government go wrong? Tits, I really think your just in love with MP, must have been tough doing those swimming moves in the Black Sea........
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I tend to agree with some of Mr. Tatas analysis of our police state.
Take a moment, or a few hours, and start listing all of the police departments that you can think of. You will find that yo have only scratched the surface.

As far as education goes, you are not forced to send your child to a specific school as you can send them to private schools or home school. This is something that those that have the luxury of money and or time do. We are however, taxed at gunpoint to pay for schools of which most do not have the choice of where they attend. The concept of education equality does not exist in public schools.

I suppose it is in human nature to draw yourself to the exploits of others. The fascination with gladiators in the height of the Roman empire or the elevation of leaders to the status of Gods bears forth today. The "news" media expoits the desire for people to want to be a part of somebody that is famous loife as if it somehow really matters.

As far as being "communist", we are pretty damn close. All communist controlled nations are in fact "democracies" where the people "vote" to keep the communist party in power. the obvious results of not doing so are death and or imprisonment. Here we just get to decide between the communist Democrats or the communist light Republicans. Both desire to control the people in some fashion and about things they really have no right to do. We are not a dictatorship yet. We do exercise a propaganda machine the likes of which would make the old Soviet Union amused.

Our founding fathers created a form of government that should have been self limiting but of course there are always those that feel the need for government to intervene where it has no business and thus corrupts the form which was created. The President has stolen power, the Congress has abdicated their power to agencies, and the Supreme Court has decided that they can make law and change the law that is written without the consent of the people.

I would say it has gotten pretty damn fucked up.

Repeal the 17th amendment. These was a reason that the Constitution was written that way.
eaglehorse's Avatar
And who's fault is this? Ours we went to sleep, focused our lives on other issues, and went to sleep. It's both, Demo, Repos, both need spanked, those bastards just split 1.7 trillion dollars, and padded their wallets, $1,000 car allowance, are you joking!!! Time to arm up, start local, then move on to your state, then to DC. Time to take our country back!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This did not happen overnight.
There are those that clamor for term limits and we have them all the time. They are called elections.The Patriot Act stands as one of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed and the Democrats jumped for joy once they got contol of the means to spy on the individual.

the founding fathers missed a chance in the writing of the Constitution to install a means to have everything but the Constitution fall under sunset provisions so that the next generation is not subject to the mistakes of the previous generation.

If only the candidates that win would actually do what they promised during the campaigns, it could be a much better place for us all.
Sooo Off topic.

This thread has made me want to meet The2Dogs and have some "verbal intercourse."
Oh what a mind.....

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