who supports whom

big business, ceo's, wall street, big Hollywood - support dimocrats and joe biden

as has been the case for a number of years

trump has out fundraised biden, but that's only due to small donors writing small checks to trump's campaign - individuals and small business people

even the few ceo's who might support trump, keep it hidden

the news media and the dimocrats (that's redundant) used to try to hang big business around republican necks come election time but they haven't done that for a long time because its not true

but as you may notice, the news media doesn't hang that on themselves (dimocrats) because, well because its us and has been us (the dims/media)


the republican party has become the party or the working man, the family man and the small business man - all who get up each morning and have never done anything but put one foot in front of the other and kept going - building America

the dimocrat party - well its most everyone else and china and most likely russia
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 10:12 AM
the dimocrat party - well its most everyone else - encompasinig every parasite with their hands out for a government funds handout.

DPST party buys its votes - flagrantly and openly - with Al Sharpton race-baiting and 'reparations' - and OBLM and Ant-Fa as 'brownshirt enforcers of the marxist narrative!!

Vote Biden harris- the last vote you ever be permitted to cast in a free election in the UA!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper ^^^ 100% Jeoy and Hoey not a "free vote if things keep going Lock an load
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hillary advises Sleepy Joe to not concede, regardless of outcome. Dems only chance is to create chaos, which is why mail-in is absolutely vital.

HedonistForever's Avatar
I too hope Biden doesn't concede. I hope he goes to the White House and demands that Trump leave and the Secret Service have to drag him out kicking, screaming and eventually crying. Then we cut away to the anchors of CNN and MSNBC where we will see people actually losing their minds in grief.

Not that will be "must see TV"!
bambino's Avatar
I too hope Biden doesn't concede. I hope he goes to the White House and demands that Trump leave and the Secret Service have to drag him out kicking, screaming and eventually crying. Then we cut away to the anchors of CNN and MSNBC where we will see people actually losing their minds in grief.

Not that will be "must see TV"! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Will Biden be alive in January 2021?
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 11:44 AM
if elected - Biden will not be alive in jan 2021 - H... and harris will make sure of that!
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect someone whispered to Bitten that his son will inherit the office.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I suspect someone whispered to Bitten that his son will inherit the office. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hunter or Beau?

recall that when questions were raised by State Dept. officials about Hunter's Ukraine dealings Joey's staff claimed he was too grief stricken to respond.

Trump or the trump Jr crook? I just hope the trump family cartel (doesnt)
have enough money to pay their attorneys to keep them out of jail. I also wonder who will publish the n3xt book of the pos of stupid.

Stupid me. I still forgot how many Obamas buddies were indicted n convicted. And how many books were published about Obama that the real Americans white house had to defend
when you have to start the indictments with the firewall of the fbi and doj...it takes a long time to get to obama
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Both older Trump boys have time for 2 terms before Baron is of legal age.
Both older Trump boys have time for 2 terms before Baron is of legal age. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
first girlfriend of the united states, kimberley guilfoyle
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joeys , civil wars will be good for china ,,,, -- Need to watch Pam Bondi on c-span about the families connections to china I know Facts are hard to understand for some
HedonistForever's Avatar
double post