Looks like vaccine coming out next month

dallasfan's Avatar
Pfizer will be the drug maker. It’s a 21 day Two dose treatment.

I think I will wait. Lol
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah,NO and HELL NO
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why the skeptism? I am eager for a vaccine. The stock market hit an all time high this morning, on the welcome news.

I won't be first in line, but I want to be near the front!
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Why the skeptism? I am eager for a vaccine. The stock market hit an all time high this morning, on the welcome news.

I won't be first in line, but I want to be near the front! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I’ll be right behind you!
dallasfan's Avatar
Out of all the companies producing a vaccine I trust Pfizer more than any of the other ones.

They said the vaccine has to be kept at a really cold temperature... something like -80 F.

Think they will have some experimenting to do to perfect the administering of the vaccine.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Most won’t be in line fir a vaccine until the second half of 2021. I’ll be Anon go the second tier to get the vaccine after health care workers because of age and multiple high risk preexisting conditions. I’d prefer a more robust safety protocol, but I can’t afford to wait.
Chung Tran's Avatar
They said the vaccine has to be kept at a really cold temperature... something like -80 F.
Originally Posted by dallasfan
-94F, I heard.

''Hey Jasper, we're going to have to throw out that batch, it was exposed to -88F temperature''!

Jasper?? What the Hell?
  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2020, 07:07 AM
Any vaccine must pass FDA protocols for safety and efficacy.

Ever heard of thalidomide?
I expect with Pfizer's announcement that their vaccine my be fast-tracked.

fine - I hope the safety aspects are thoroughly examined.

Other than at-risk individuals - wuhan virus is a mild or asymptomatic flu/common cold variant.

we went about this backwards - we should shelter the at-risk and open the economy by freeing all normal healthy folks to work as they choose. Masks and distancing - fine - reasonable safe-guards - but lockdowns should be imposed on politicians - not the economy!
rexdutchman's Avatar
They going to force it ( facci said may be 70% effective now 90% yea okay) the best vaccine in histroy like 45% effective and there telling me the a rushed vaccine is more effective Yea drink the Kool aide bud

Oh and 85% of the people that got it had mask on , so math said masks only 15 % effective
???? Masks are used to prevent the spread not to protect the wearer.