Pay ahead

Has anybody been asked to pay a fee upfront before meeting through paypal? Are the girls that ask for this trying to RIP you off or is this legit?
chizzy's Avatar
Dont do it. If 100 girls ask that, maybe 5 are legit
Dont do it. If 100 girls ask that, maybe 5 are legit Originally Posted by chizzy
and those 5 are not worth loosing the cash over
bambino's Avatar
Well, look at it this way. I’ve been in business for many years. I pay accountants and lawyers their hourly rate. I don’t give them a deposit. They bill me when they finish their work. Same as a plumber. I pay their rate when they’re done with the job. Why are hookers any different? They want to be considered “professionals”. Then act like one. Why the fuck anyone pays a hooker in advance is a mystery to me. SMH.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Move to correct forum
berryberry's Avatar
Never ever pay a deposit or fee in advance unless you want to be ripped off
jesus, should we make this a sticky at the top of every discussion forum? At least once a month someone asks this...I mean, at least you're asking and not falling for it, but FFS, stop giving these girls anything for nothing.
Hey, by the way, I would like to send you a $50 refund on your electric bill and extend your car warranty. I'll have a representative call you soon.

I strung along a SC "girl" for over an hour yesterday. She wanted 200 upfront to make sure that I was legit before she would send me even a general location. Eventually she 'talked me into' going to the store to buy a google play card for 200 and asked me to send her a screenshot of the card. For whatever reason, I simply couldn't figure out how to do it! She eventually accused me of not being serious and wasting her precious time and blocked me. Damn shame too...
bkfantasy's Avatar
We should change the name of this forum to "Scam Alerts".

While we are at it, change the name of the Sandbox forum to "Bitch about whoever is president."
Yinzer you are 100% right. We should make a sticky of this, or heck make a seperate “no nonsense” post, about paying in advance, deposits, etc… this question is asked at least once a month. What I don’t get is that I understand new people might not know… but when it’s asked by veterans???…. SMH…

Never pay for anything upfront. Period.

Although it’ll never happen… because certain individuals on these forums “take deposits” so the forum will never take this position.
I'd say 99 of 100 are scams. Even it's a reviewed girl they may be looking for some free money on their way out of the business. I'd never do it. Even if it was 20 I wouldn't do it
Also this. Never give them your real life info. I feel giving them you actual name is worse than paying beforehand.
Yeah, I would never give my real name. You never know about blackmail or extortion or anything like that
I've had girls ask me to send a photo of my driver's license but I could block out the driver's license number and my address. I'm not saying this particular girl would do this but I've also seen a girl have an add up on listcrawler and in her photos had like 15 guys driver's license photos posted. Whether it was the girl being spiteful or maybe the boyfriend caught her doing all this and decided two out a lot of guys or maybe it was a boyfriend that finally found out what was going on and decided just to nail everyone
when asked for pic of drivers license I tell them to send theirs first. they never do
Bambino’s logic is spot on. Until they start advertising on Amazon, don’t pay for any service upfront.