Habitual NCNSer and time waster

Ladies this guy has sent me P411 requests and has NCNSed me at least 3-4 times.Some may have good experiences with him but no one appreciates their time wasted. Just giving you a heads up. His P411 is Alf**dda-31-L-384*. Please PM me if you need any further info. Happy hobbying!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
That sucks. Sorry babe.

He's prolly afraid of your big ol' huge ol' cock, LD.


I kid. I kid.


Thanks for the heads up LD.
this is the closest thing to a cock that I have papi.. but it'll have to do

SofaKingFun's Avatar
TFF! I was just goofin', hun.

We all know that your cock really isn't all that big.



SKF, you are hereby shunned lol

[unshun]but you know you're one of my favorite people [reshun]
I know of a chick and a guy who agreed to a late night creep, only to have the guy back out b/c both were kind of tired late and they naively agreed to a 6am/7am meet up.

The guy left his hobby phone under his bed after he woke up after 8 to rush to work. He goes back to get it and only to see sarcastic text's from the provider expressing her dissapointment. He called to apologize but could hardly get a feeling of closure and cordialness from the provider as she couldn't hide her frustration. She had little patience for small talk as she shot down any type of joke or random chatter he tried to have with her.

The guy is an NCNS'er right? One not worthy of her time at all for a possible repeated visit?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Correction... Don't make habitual appointments you can't keep. One time should not be enough to write someone off, should it?
yes that would still be a ncns. but she didn't write an alert on you, which gave you time to make it right. If you didn't, than that says something about you. I've overslept a couple of times, it happens. Each time I apologized and rewarded his patience with a free session, at a time of his choosing.

Don't make appointments that you can't keep.

*edit* Sorry EA, my computer was acting all screwy.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Damn he got banned again lol.
srvfin's Avatar
Ladies this guy has sent me P411 requests and has NCNSed me at least 3-4 times. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Sweets.... My thoughts, and they're just my thoughts, you don't have anyone to blame but yourself.... Once is all it would take with me....

But it's nice that you're trying to help out the other girls.....
I know better now.
you try to give a little rope.............
Hell I had a guy cancel on my 3 times two times 30 minutes before time.
then when he finally came to see me he was twenty minutes early and he wrote a not so flattering review saying i was a 5 foot 4 mixed brunnett.
Had a guy basically do this to me tonight, dang it ticked me off! I made sure to post a "NO SEE" to his p411 profile as soon as I got home!
There is an old saying. Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. But I don't know what they say about fooling me 3 or 4 times?