Cecilia - scratch another one off the list

LeftySmith's Avatar
So I woke up today feeling like I needed a good rub. I went to BP looking for the number of someone on the north side and I noticed Cecilia's breast shot staring at me from today's ads. I don't venture downtown often, but I have been wondering about her for a long time, and she has been reviewed, so what the hell - I decided I should make the trip.

I call, she answers, I inquire, she ask's what time, I let her pick the time, she says 4:00, I say great, she says go to office bldg off Harwin park in back and call for suite#, I say will do.

I go, I arrive at 3:59, I park, I call, phone goes to voicemail, I leave message, I wait, I try again, I wait, I send text, I wait, I try again, phone goes to voicemail, repeat this for another 25 minutes, screw it, I leave.

I've got no tolerence for NCNS. Next.

I have no problem whatsoever with a babe rescheduling or changing her mind and canceling. Give me the courtesy of a call or text and I would not think twice about it. Last minute thing, then answer your phone and tell me. But to let me drive 45 minutes and then just turn off your phone? Cecilia, if we ever run into each other, you owe me $20 for gas and tolls.

On the upside, I had a nice time with racetrack Cindy on my way home.
starflash's Avatar
I can't think of anything providers do that's dumber than to NCNS a client appointment. In addition to losing that guy forever, anybody else that reads about it is also going to react, most by striking her off his list........
So long, Cecilia...........
  • meryt
  • 07-18-2010, 02:14 AM
I went to BP looking for the number of someone on the north side and I noticed Cecilia's breast shot staring at me from today's ads. Originally Posted by LeftySmith
I saw that too. Just a little later it was gone.
jacksparrow's Avatar
I wanted to see her new MM too, but something weird happened to me yesterday with her. we made the appointment, I got to her incall, I texted her, called her, but she never responded back, then I got a text message from her, it sounded like another person was using her phone not her, the message said. " cecilia has been involved in a serious wreck, her family will be contacted about you calling". anybody else knows something about this? it was a little disturbing, I wonder if it is true.
Have you guys generally noticed the number of no shows coming off BP and with girls who say they use P411 or some other verification site? Notice how many have the one or two token reviews and then no show or some lame excuse? Bait and switch ads are also up and providers using same photos with different telephone numbers or locations?

Point is there is something very strange going on amongst our 'younger' pool of providers. Most of the estabilshed girls aren't posting or taking limited numbers of calls. Most better GFE providers are not using Craigslist or Backpage at all. I have noticed even providers on this board that show up for a few weeks or months suddenly appear and disappear every few months.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
... then I got a text message from her, it sounded like another person was using her phone not her, the message said. " cecilia has been involved in a serious wreck, her family will be contacted about you calling". anybody else knows something about this? it was a little disturbing, I wonder if it is true. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
Aww, man...this is very disturbing. I was expecting this thread to be another involving a client parking in the wrong place, she's had a habit of putting eyes on potential johns as they trundle into her building and hiding if she doesn't like what she sees (I think).

Thanks for the intel, jack. Will you keep us worried mother hens advised? Probably best if I don't try to call or text if it just adds stress to her family.

I only saw her once, but she could not have been nicer to me. Let's hope she's OK, and I believe she will please most of you mutts with great service if you treat her well. If she's able to return.
Is Backpage really worthwhile? It seems that is where most of the NCNS people got these complaints. Move upstream and go for a little better provider and you may not have all these problems.
Tony Montana's Avatar
Have you guys generally noticed the number of no shows coming off BP and with girls who say they use P411 or some other verification site? Notice how many have the one or two token reviews and then no show or some lame excuse? Bait and switch ads are also up and providers using same photos with different telephone numbers or locations?

Point is there is something very strange going on amongst our 'younger' pool of providers. Most of the estabilshed girls aren't posting or taking limited numbers of calls. Most better GFE providers are not using Craigslist or Backpage at all. I have noticed even providers on this board that show up for a few weeks or months suddenly appear and disappear every few months. Originally Posted by Jazzy J
There's alot of paranoia among providers these days. Lots of crazies out there.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I had a wonderful session with CeCe; BUT then she went postal on me and blew my phone up. One of her WKs was behind the BS.

As far as BP, I have had great success with the BP BodyRub/Therapist ladies; and the NS/NC; B&S etc seem to be ladies in the Escort section.
I am having my best luck with Eros and Escorts Houston or from referrals. Cityvibe, BP and P411 seem to be filled with managed chicks with downloaded porn star pix. I even contacted a girl on BP and Cityvibe who was using a stripper I knows Myspace photos (recognized it instantly).

Best is to get a few strippers you make friends with to provide extras outside the club.
I am having my best luck with Eros and Escorts Houston or from referrals. Cityvibe, BP and P411 seem to be filled with managed chicks with downloaded porn star pix. I even contacted a girl on BP and Cityvibe who was using a stripper I knows Myspace photos (recognized it instantly).

Best is to get a few strippers you make friends with to provide extras outside the club. Originally Posted by Jazzy J
I'm going to have to try EROS because for every 1 provider that I see from p411, eccie or BP 2 out of 3 are NCNS.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Seriously? Cityvibe hasn't been legit if years - it posts ads for ladies who quit the biz years ago.

EROS is completely hit/miss. And a LOT of the ladies on EROS have other ads on other sites at substantially lower rates.

I have had great success all over the country with p411 - only a couple of times had a bad session.

And ricany, if you have 2 out of 3 NS you aren't doing your research.
  • meryt
  • 07-18-2010, 12:33 PM
I wanted to see her new MM too, but something weird happened to me yesterday with her. we made the appointment, I got to her incall, I texted her, called her, but she never responded back, then I got a text message from her, it sounded like another person was using her phone not her, the message said. " cecilia has been involved in a serious wreck, her family will be contacted about you calling". anybody else knows something about this? it was a little disturbing, I wonder if it is true. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
Maybe there's a connection between that and her ad being pulled right after it was put up.
LeftySmith's Avatar
I saw that too. Just a little later it was gone. Originally Posted by meryt
You're right, the ad she posted Sat morning did disappear. Strange.

I wanted to see her new MM too, but something weird happened to me yesterday with her. we made the appointment, I got to her incall, I texted her, called her, but she never responded back, then I got a text message from her, it sounded like another person was using her phone not her, the message said. " cecilia has been involved in a serious wreck, her family will be contacted about you calling". anybody else knows something about this? it was a little disturbing, I wonder if it is true. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
If she really was in an accident that would certainly excuse the NCNS. I hope that she is ok.
LeftySmith's Avatar
I just want to apologize for not giving Cece the benefit of the doubt. I should have tried to follow up with her and given her a chance to explain.

I received a PM from her and she said she was indeed in an accident that day.

I am sorry for having been so quick to judge.