Rank Hypocrisy on trial

HedonistForever's Avatar
Wow! Simply Wow! Talk about a come back for Trump's lawyers. I've never seen a more "dressing down" of an opponent in a debate, in my life. Trump's lawyers accused and proved IMHO, how the House Managers, lied and concealed and altered evidence to , in words I have used many times here, "fit the narrative they were trying to write instead of the truth".

Swalwell was caught mis-interpreting the word "Calvary" where Christ was crucified, to Cavalry as in "sending in the cavalry".

On the battlefield, one should send in the cavalry, which is the word for an army component mounted on horseback. The similarly spelled word calvary however, refers to "an open air depiction of the crucifixion," or more recently "an experience of intense suffering."

They also took my suggestion and found a couple hundred ( it seemed like ) instances of Democrats using the word "fight" and the phrase "fight like hell" that they tried to use to suggest Trump meant it to engage in violence but of course when Democrats did it, it was just, you know, ordinary political speech.

Another great moment was when House Manager Castro made the statement "can you imagine anybody else talking about having an election stolen "the "big lie" as Democrats refereed to Trump's words and then Trump's lawyer's putting up clip after clip of Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams and Democrat after Democrat talking about how Trump stole the 2016 election. I was ROTFL!

I know you all won't get to see it in it's entirety and unless you watch Fox News tonight, you probably won't see any of it on CNN and MSNBC because it made Democrats look so bad.

I can't help but wonder if this will change any votes o the Republican or Democrat side because it was one powerful presentation of hypocrisy on the part of Democrats.
It was amazing!

Man you really do believe anything according to your bias.

You really think the women that typed Calvary on her tweet didn’t just misspell cavalry. Really. I think you’re surely smarter than that.

The video of people say fight had nothing at all to do with what Trump was meaning in trying to overturn his loss. I don’t recall Liz Warren sending insurrectionists to the Capitol. Or any of the other examples the Whataboutism crew shot for.

Of course you would love what they did. But democrats and Whataboutism are your calling card. No matter how nongermaine the context of the statement was, what really matters is whether the overall behavior of Trump including that day caused or contributed to the actions of the insurrectionists.

If the best argument is that Liz Warren said she was gonna fight like he’ll to pass healthcare in congress is somehow equivalent to Trump lying daily about having won his election and ginning up dummies to bully and threaten legislators, nothing will sink in for you.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You’re to brainwashed to realize how brainwashed you are.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-12-2021, 04:39 PM
Trump invited a bunch of Lunatic Tigers to a meat market and wants to use the excuses that he did not tell them to eat or that other politicians have been to the zoo and yelled at Tigers.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Man you really do believe anything according to your bias.

You really think the women that typed Calvary on her tweet didn’t just misspell cavalry. Really. I think you’re surely smarter than that.

The video of people say fight had nothing at all to do with what Trump was meaning in trying to overturn his loss. I don’t recall Liz Warren sending insurrectionists to the Capitol. Or any of the other examples the Whataboutism crew shot for.

Of course you would love what they did. But democrats and Whataboutism are your calling card. No matter how nongermaine the context of the statement was, what really matters is whether the overall behavior of Trump including that day caused or contributed to the actions of the insurrectionists.

If the best argument is that Liz Warren said she was gonna fight like he’ll to pass healthcare in congress is somehow equivalent to Trump lying daily about having won his election and ginning up dummies to bully and threaten legislators, nothing will sink in for you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I guess you missed the video of Hillary and Stacey Abrams and a conga line of Democrats repeating the lie that Hillary really won, that Stacey really won and will never concede and the big lie was that Trump had won. Everything one is seeing now, was done previous by Democrats, everything. The "fighting words", the inability to accept the results of an election, everything. That was the point of the presentation. The Trump lawyer explained what "whataboutism" is and isn't but I guess you missed that part to. When you can compare word for word what a Democrat said to what a Republican said and conclude that one was wrong and the other wasn't, you are a hypocrite. You're good at it. I don't expect you to change. You were complicit in Schiff's and Democrats lies, you know it which is why you can't bring yourself to comment on it. Pitiful.

You are right though, what really matters is, did the House Managers prove the one and only article of impeachment with the proof required by law to prove incitement and like it or not, they didn't, they couldn't because their own words and acts worked against them and it was hilarious to see.

And finally, if all those watching CNN and MSNBC got to see, unless they turned away, the full context of Trump refuting the lie that he said Nazi's were good people to at Charlottesville. If you chose to watch, you would see what I and others have been saying for years. That the good people on both sides was referring to those people arguing against the removal of statutes not refereeing to the Nazis, but like his lawyers said, that didn't fit the left's narrative so they told the lie and keep telling the lie today even when they heard the full context of his speech. Believe the lie, the very same thing the left accuses the right of doing. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad for America.

No conviction, no disqualification. More irony. The Democrats are all about not disenfranchising voters but would have no problem disenfranchising 74 million voters.

Let's have the vote. Let's put it in the history books and let's get on with critiquing the Biden Harris administration and the unbelievable mess they are creating at the border. The same time they are thinking about curtailing travel between states to stop Covid, they are letting thousands into the country with no Covid test at all.

By 2022, Americans will be begging for anybody but Biden. Careful what you wish for because you can get something worse and we have it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You’re to brainwashed to realize how brainwashed you are. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

And you sir don't appear to have the brains to even debate the issue but you aren't alone so you can take solace in that.
winn dixie's Avatar
Not hard to see thru the lies and propaganda of this trial!
The Muppets couldve defended Trump and ripped the dims asses to! libs should be accountable for their lies!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-12-2021, 05:18 PM
Not hard to see thru the lies and propaganda of this trial!
The Muppets couldve defended Trump and ripped the dims asses to! libs should be accountable for their lies! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Perry Mason or the Muppets...it mattered not.

This trial is all about the jury.

Trump could have led the charge toward the Capital on Stormy Daniels back and he wouldn't of gotten convicted.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not hard to see thru the lies and propaganda of this trial!
The Muppets couldve defended Trump and ripped the dims asses to! libs should be accountable for their lies! Originally Posted by winn dixie

I wasn't so sure that first day Trump's lawyer's spoke. They were beyond horrible but what a turn around. Brilliant arguments, just brilliant, especially on the 1st Amendment/ free speech argument.
I wasn't so sure that first day Trump's lawyer's spoke. They were beyond horrible but what a turn around. Brilliant arguments, just brilliant, especially on the 1st Amendment/ free speech argument. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Their arguments were garbage. But it won’t matter.
winn dixie's Avatar
Their arguments were garbage. But it won’t matter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Thank you for your expert opinion! IT DOESNT MATTER cause he will not be convicted!

bahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahhaa a
Lapdog's Avatar
He most likely won't be convicted. But his name will be forever stained with a stink that will never wash off. He'll never hold public elected office again. Fucking asshole couldn't even be a dogcatcher. Fuck him.

I wasn't so sure that first day Trump's lawyer's spoke. They were beyond horrible but what a turn around. Brilliant arguments, just brilliant, especially on the 1st Amendment/ free speech argument. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I liked it when they called San Antonio Poverty Pimp Julian Castro out for deliberately editing the tape during his “riveting” video presentation.

Was Castro so stupid as to not realize that this was not CNN. They actually had the full tape, showing President Trumps entire statements, rather than cleverly edited quips.

As one attorney said,......”You get caught tampering with evidence, your entire case gets tossed”.

The videos, (not edited) of Democrats such as Maxine Waters spouting their vile crap were really affective.

If this “impeachment” trial, and the one before it proved one thing about the Democrats, it’s “you can’t fix stupid”.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2021, 06:22 PM

If this “impeachment” trial, and the one before it proved one thing about the Democrats, it’s “you can’t fix stupid”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
From a ethical standpoint, I can see why they'd impeach Trump.

From a political standpoint I do not understand it. Biden had already defeated Trump. Twitter has neutered Trump. He is not getting convicted.

Yet I know the Democrats are not ethical so I would love to hear their political reasoning for the impeachment.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2021, 06:25 PM
Their arguments were garbage. But it won’t matter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

for once - the arrogant, dismisssive, elitist , Lying DPST's are correct - it won't matter as to conviction.

They do not have the votes to convict Trump in the Senate - and still they persist with their XiNN lies and ridiculous exercise in futility.

and the minions - see above - are too brainwashed to understand the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of what the DPST;s are doing.

So -1b1- other than showing teh profound Trump hatred and TDS - what is gained by your wondrous and glorious exercise in utter futilityand embarrassment of America and its' governmental system?
Do you have an answer that is not one scatologic word, or simply Trump hate?
I think Not
and the DPST lemmings were not thinking at all about this divisive circus of Socialshit marxism they put on in the name of Absolute power to the DPST marxists.

i agree - so sad for America - soon to become teh Union of soviet socialist states of Amerika

And when the DPST's try to impose socialist marxist rule - there will be 'Consequences"!