Goobermint involvment of laundry

Zeman's Avatar
  • Zeman
  • 08-17-2014, 01:27 PM
Just curious to know if anyone has experienced the "new" so-called high efficiency TL washing machines?

They use significantly less water but from reviews I have been reading, NO ONE seems to be happy about it.

Come to find out, our good Goobermint is in fact forcing the likes of GE WP et al to drastically reduce water usage. Seems they drank the Algore koolaid and really believe in global warming. Or climate change.

Nor do these machines seem to hold up for the long haul.

eaglehorse's Avatar
No thoughts, Silver does my laundry, everything else is dry cleaned.
the1999person's Avatar
I have a Kenmore (Samsung manufactured) HE front loader washer and dryer. Had for about two years. Very happy with it. I only use tide HE detergent. Don't mess with that stuff that says safe for all washers. If tide makes a standard formula and an HE specific then there has to be a difference. I'm sure a lot of bad reviews come from people using dollar General bargain soap.

As for longevity, can't say. But everything in it is electronic and all controls and sensors are digital .
the1999person's Avatar
Sorry, posting from phone. Aa for the top loaders, theres no agitator so the laundry just floats around in there were as the front loaders toss and turn the laundry over and over for a better cleaning. Go front loader if you need a new machine.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
From what I hear, laundry is done by hauling two huge baskets down to the river, dipping the laundry in the river, beating it against the rocks, and twirling it over your head till it is almost dry and then hauling it back up to hang on the solar powered dryer. At least that is what it sounds like what has to happen when I hear bitching about washing clothes.
pyramider's Avatar
Ah yes that fresh river water, the water with a dead cow decomposing up river 110 yards.
Knute's Avatar
  • Knute
  • 08-18-2014, 07:47 AM
How do you tell if it is front load or top load?
dynamitekid's Avatar
I'm not in any way a liberal, and I think Al Gore is a shyster....
But I think that this has more to do with water shortages than climate change. Same thing happened in the 90s with toilets.
Lord knows we get enough rain here, but states like California and Texas are struggling with lack of rain + growing populations.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-18-2014, 11:18 AM
If you just put water over clothes, and don't agitate it, I don't see how you get real dirt out.

And, from the feedback I have gotten from owners of the new machines, thats exactly the case.

If your family is nothing but wimps, pussyboys, office bitches, and dirtphobic, they are probably fine.

But if you wrestle livestock in mud, play like a man, or generally perform some type of real work for a living, not so much.

But, seeing the fucking dimwitted, socialistic, bureaucrats who passed the laws, have never done one day of real work in their lives, its to be expected they could see no further than their own, pathetic life experiences to come up with a poor, shitty way to clean everybodies clothing.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-18-2014, 11:23 AM
I'm not in any way a liberal, and I think Al Gore is a shyster....
But I think that this has more to do with water shortages than climate change. Same thing happened in the 90s with toilets.
Lord knows we get enough rain here, but states like California and Texas are struggling with lack of rain + growing populations. Originally Posted by dynamitekid
Fuck Kalifornia too.

Make all those liberal cocksuckers move out of that overpopulated state, and spread those commie votes around so Kali can't decide every election.

Of course, Denver, Boulder, and other liberal cities are starting to experience water issues from overpopulation as well.

Bottom line, these liberal bastions overuse water, electricity, fuel, and provide no tangible benefit to the people who actually make this country work, and do the things like generating electricity, mine coal, drill for gas for them to waste driving one person per car, 100 million people at a time all going to starbucks or mcdonalds to work, in every large, democratic voting city, all over the country.

Of course, once the po po, and national guard start killing off the residents, like in Ferguson, real americans can move back in, bulldoze the tenements, and replant more dent corn.
kngslmn's Avatar
New washer last year at my house, it sucks, they were out of the regular type, so they upgraded me at no charge to the new green energy water saving model that cost 300 more, it generally gets the close cleaned but with less water and less agitation there is a constant problem with deterget soap residue left on them, i have started making sure everything is turned inside out to prevent it.....laziness on my part and the fact its a brand new washer have prevented me from switching it out, i figure at some point the good ones wont be available just this crap so ill be ahead of the learning curve
the1999person's Avatar
New washer last year at my house, it sucks, they were out of the regular type, so they upgraded me at no charge to the new green energy water saving model that cost 300 more, it generally gets the close cleaned but with less water and less agitation there is a constant problem with deterget soap residue left on them, i have started making sure everything is turned inside out to prevent it.....laziness on my part and the fact its a brand new washer have prevented me from switching it out, i figure at some point the good ones wont be available just this crap so ill be ahead of the learning curve Originally Posted by kngslmn
What detergent are you using?
Front loaders here, both units less than 2 years old. Both units marked HE but I've yet to see any appreciable difference in the water used.
They do a nice job of cleaning but I swear they take more time to do a load than my old top loader.
AmishGangster's Avatar
How do you tell if it is front load or top load? Originally Posted by Knute
Jinny and CG are front loaders, Sinthetic and LaLaLeah are rear loaders. Sometimes front loaders also rear load. I'm pretty sure they all will top load...
zip2121's Avatar
Try adding this to your soap.

Its what they took out in the first place.