Shitty comments on reviews

You know, in this strange little corner of the world, we have all kinds of ladies and gents. The providers range from young to not so young, skinny to not so skinny, black, white and everything in between.

Gents write reviews about the time they spend with ladies as a way of sharing about their experiences, positive or otherwise. They can banter back and forth about how well the review was written, give virtual high-fives to each other about having an incredible time, or commiserate about a date that has gone south.

But what is not cool is when some fucktard wants to jump on a positive review thread and bash a provider, especially one he's never met. That happened on a review of mine and it's just unbelievable. If I'm not your type, dude, move along. With your comments kept to your sorry ass self.

Bashing providers is uncalled for and unwarranted. And frankly, I hope the ladies go back and check out my reviews to find you, just so they can make sure to never touch you with a 10-foot pole.

You are the turd in the punchbowl. Now go fuck yourself sideways. As if you have a choice.

The rest of you fine folks, have a wonderful day!
I went & looked to see what you were talking about, & I will have to say, that guy is a real a-hole. I have never met you in person, but from your pics (which aren't photoshopped) I think you look good for your age & you damn sure don't look like you're pushing 70. Some people are just mean & bitter because they're unhappy with themselves.
I went & looked to see what you were talking about, & I will have to say, that guy is a real a-hole. I have never met you in person, but from your pics (which aren't photoshopped) I think you look good for your age & you damn sure don't look like you're pushing 70. Some people are just mean & bitter because they're unhappy with themselves. Originally Posted by Kat VonDee
Thank you, precious. That is very sweet of you to come to another lady's defense. You are beautiful, inside and out.
You are beautiful, inside and out. Originally Posted by seductrix4u
I would vouch that both of you are.
I would vouch that both of you are. Originally Posted by twingates2005
Thank you. I see extra Candi Box in your future, babe!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Self Declared Troll,

who has been obnoxious in other reviews as well.
Interesting that most of his posts have been in Spa/Studio and I agree with Kat's earlier post, unhappy and appears to have been for several years.

Self Declared Troll,

who has been obnoxious in other reviews as well.
Interesting that most of his posts have been in Spa/Studio and I agree with Kat's earlier post, unhappy and appears to have been for several years. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I could probably be okay with that, UC, but three other "gentlemen" liked the post. So there must be A LOT of trolls...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Trolls multiply in anonymity.
An unfortunate hazard on the net.
chriscraft's Avatar
I like the way you get to the point without mincing words, OP.

FWIW, while we have not met, I think you're a total hottie/GILF from your pics.
I like the way you get to the point without mincing words, OP.

FWIW, while we have not met, I think you're a total hottie/GILF from your pics. Originally Posted by chriscraft
Thank you, my sweet man. I might be a GILF, but I've got the hormones of an 18-YO boy! My fellas walk away from my bed with a slight limp and a big, ole smile!
The guy trolls for SWers so I wouldn't lose too much sleep over him.
I could probably be okay with that, UC, but three other "gentlemen" liked the post. So there must be A LOT of trolls... Originally Posted by seductrix4u
There are several trolls on this site. I've dealt with a few bashing my appearance before. I like how on your bio you openly admit you're not perfect, it shows confidence & you're comfortable with who you are. Confidence is the best thing that any woman can wear! Like I always say, I may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm damn sure someone's cup of fine wine any day! Your reviews speak volumes.
Fixer63's Avatar
Well said both Seductrix and Kat, to each their own glass of wine.
DallasRain's Avatar
a good motto to follow /.... my new sig rock on baby!

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
a good motto to follow /.... my new sig rock on baby!

Originally Posted by DallasRain
And for xmas....
Two parts Fireball, one part eggnog, serve as shots

(btw, as an alternative use: guaranteed to dissolve trolls)