The world has ended for drivers in Oregon.

CG2014's Avatar
They now have to pump their own gas!

Oh My Fucking God!

What will they do?

“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian . . . I say NO THANKS! I don’t like to smell like gasoline!” one woman wrote.

“No! Disabled, seniors, people with young children in the car need help. Not to mention getting out of your car with transients around and not feeling safe. This is a very bad idea. Grrr,” another woman wrote.

“I’ve lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas . . . This [is] a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas.”
The Facebook comments are hilarious!

I bet the tow trucks and the AAA roadside assistance vans will be very busy for a while:

many drivers will be stranded because they ran out of gas due to not knowing how to fill up their vehicles' gas tanks or refusing to do it themselves.

I do remember being in New Jersey 26 years ago and stopped at a gas station and filled up my car and the station attendant ran toward me frantically waving it's arms AS IF I just committed a major crime.

States with laws on the book making it mandatory that only gas station attendants are allowed to pump gas in vehicles are dumb!
dallasfan's Avatar
What is the foreign country they call Oregon?
CG2014's Avatar
I don't know. I have never been anywhere further north than Los Angeles and San Francisco.
It's the end of the world as we know it....butt I feel fine :-). And I don't start a lot of stupid posts waa waa
dallasfan's Avatar
You figure with the Wdit - stafduse up there those peeps would want to get out of their cars to snort the gas to try to get a high.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Most of the libtarts out there are not smart , they will have problems with which end of the hose to use. ( I visited family in Portland once , it was like stepping back 50 years)
Chung Tran's Avatar
are there elevator operators anywhere, anymore? I remember years ago, in D.C., they employed these people in the elevators on Capitol Hill.. mostly disabled folks, so it appeared.. they sat on a little black stool in the corner, you told them what floor, they pushed the button. exhausting and intellectually challenging work, I don't know what they earned, but whatever it was, they were underpaid.
Wonder how these twits handle the Self Checkout areas of retailer such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, et god, you have to bag your own groceries, too? Oh, the humanity......
billw1032's Avatar
are there elevator operators anywhere, anymore? I remember years ago, in D.C., they employed these people in the elevators on Capitol Hill.. mostly disabled folks, so it appeared.. they sat on a little black stool in the corner, you told them what floor, they pushed the button. exhausting and intellectually challenging work, I don't know what they earned, but whatever it was, they were underpaid. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Perhaps in the U.S. capitol. Probably in areas only accessible to member of the House and Senate.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 01-04-2018, 06:22 PM
Perhaps in the U.S. capitol. Probably in areas only accessible to member of the House and Senate. Originally Posted by billw1032
They definitely have their own little monorail/tram (with operators) that goes between the Capitol and the Congressional office buildings, but I've never seen elevator operators.
billw1032's Avatar
They now have to pump their own gas! Originally Posted by CG2014
I see it doesn't say they MUST pump their own gas, only that they're allowed to. And only in the less-populated counties. OH, The Horror!! Does anyone remember when that change occurred in Texas? For a while we had stations with two options: full service for a premium price and self service for a reduced price. Obviously people voted for the self-service option with the lower price, because that seems to be all we have now.
waterfalllover's Avatar
Oregon is full of fruit loops.

Up until last year the speed limit for vehicles over 13 tons was 55 mph. Now it's 65 mph. The State of Oregon must broke, speed limit signs are not uniform or consistent through out the State and 7 to 10 mph over the posted speed limit can mean the difference between getting pulled over & ticketed or ignored.

I started driving a dedicated route on the West Coast 5-6 years ago, Northern Calif., Oregon and Washington State. You see things up there you wont see anywhere else in the United States. And the transients are super freaks, they congregate in Medford. I started noticing attendants at all of the gas stations & some of the nicer stations they have a small booth out by the pumps to keep the attendants out of the weather.
Bicycles are huge thing up there, God forbid you run over or run one off the road! And don't park in or block the bicycle lane, ticket time.. Just another avenue for the revenuers.
A lot of the older people didn't have automobiles when they were growing up, unlike today. If your 16 and don't even have a hoopty you are a nobody!
Have some compassion, it really does go a long way. You know, we often get frustrated with others who are “in our way” in life. Whether it's on the highway or in the grocery store, or in the position we want at work. We don't always look at these people as humans, rather they are usually just obstacles standing in our way.
TheWanderer's Avatar
New Jersey used to be like that. Not sure if they still are.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I stayed in downtown Portland a few months back and the amount of man buns, horn rimmed glasses, and skinny jeans of all colors were nauseating.

A microbrewery and coffee shop every 50 feet.

Meals at restaurants are served certain hours and it's happy hour in between those times and impossible to get a real meal. They have a happy hour menu with snacks things and drinks. They freaked when imorderd one of everything. My stomach was on Central Time Zone 2 hours different and it was dinner time for me.

Many of the restaurants had a "Cost of Living" tax. When I asked the waitress wtf it was about she said until we can get $15/hour as a living wage we added this tax. My response was that minimum wage jobs were meant as a stepping stone, not career path and the tax you're imposing on me so you can feel you're important will be your tip. You could've heard a pin drop.

I wore my Desert Storm cap into a Starbucks one early morning and I thought the little Millenial snowflake occupy Wall Street hippy girl was going to need a safe space and coloring books. The look on her face when she saw it was priceless. I thought she was going to burst into tears.
CG2014's Avatar
Isn't Oregon a Democrat state?

Also the cost of living tax, they have that in European countries: VAT.

Italy for example, there is a VAT tax added to everything: 22%.

It's a national tax even on a pack of gum.

Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, you go to any restaurant, they will add tip, 18-24%, regardless if you are the only person at your table and you only ordered a $10 sandwich.

This way the servers will be guaranteed an income and don't have to worry about diners who don't tip or tip poorly.