Questions for the Dems - ran answers only please - I really am curious

Democrats only I don't want this to be a bash Kamala session. I really want to know how you feel about her policies, because I can't wrap my head around how you can see her policies and still vote for her.

- How do price controls support democracy or even work for that matter?
- What are you thoughts of having to help every new home owner paying their first $25000 of their mortgage?
- How do you feel about paying capitol gains taxes on unrealized gains?

And try and look past the spelling in the title. I know it's hard for you, but you can do it.
its their religion
what's the oldest truth

how to piss of a liberal

1. work hard

2. become successful

3. enjoy life

so basically anything to

put a stop to any of that
Honestly, I am a member of neither party, but these specific policies are not something that would affect anyone worth $99,999,999 or less. So…
I love how everyone that says "I'm not a member of either party" always supports the democrats. It's like republicans are proud of what they stand for and Democrats that understand the direction the party is going are jumping ship, calling themselves independents, and then spout the party line.

Interesting article. Any one else want to weigh in with anything real?

That article is a weak response at best. Did you read it to understand it, or just say it won't affect me don't care. Which according to the Democrats on here is exactly what a MAGA republican would do.

But then again ,maybe you're not all as high and mighty as you all think you are.

Also curious who thinks it's ok to make a ten year old decide if they want to be a boy or girl?

I'll wait and see if any of the extremely outspoken Dems who seem to know everything weigh in.

I love how everyone that says "I'm not a member of either party" always supports the democrats. It's like republicans are proud of what they stand for and Democrats that understand the direction the party is going are jumping ship, calling themselves independents, and then spout the party line.

Interesting article. Any one else want to weigh in with anything real?

That article is a weak response at best. Did you read it to understand it, or just say it won't affect me don't care. Which according to the Democrats on here is exactly what a MAGA republican would do.

But then again ,maybe you're not all as high and mighty as you all think you are.

Also curious who thinks it's ok to make a ten year old decide if they want to be a boy or girl?

I'll wait and see if any of the extremely outspoken Dems who seem to know everything weigh in.

......... Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a totally substantive argument filled with factual and proven/provable statements with works referenced that is not, in any way, filled with straw man arguments.
The problem with your comment s that Kamala has only spoken on one occasion about any of her policies, very broadly, and hasn't put anything in writing.

Basing my questions on watching her entire speech and then looking for referencing materials. Since all there is, is her video, which. she will obviously lie about after watching her deny that she ever supported banning fracking, which she did on several occasions, in video, only to deny it on video last night.

Once your candidate actually say something of substance that is backed up with words on a document I'll add references. Until then you will acrtually have to watch her entire speech instead of her talking points on msnbc
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Two things.

Kamala can't promise anything unless congress goes along.

Taxpayers can not afford to pay for peoples house down-payment.
That's a raise everyone's taxes thing.
I don't think Kamala supporters will ever come to an open forum like this and debate her merits. They like her look and they like her cackle and that's about it. And they 'll vote for her.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-01-2024, 08:07 PM
She's had three years to fix everything she's promising to do if elected.
Once again crickets from democrats
rooster's Avatar
You missed the memo. Only KDS rants allowed to be posted now.
The Drummer's Avatar
The rooster's back.


Shall I prepare myself for more actual honest opinions on world views and the issues our country is having from rooster? Or, will he stay on topic and give us his opinions on Kamala’s policies (or lack there of)?
rooster's Avatar


Shall I prepare myself for more actual honest opinions on world views and the issues our country is having from rooster? Or, will he stay on topic and give us his opinions on Kamala’s policies (or lack there of)? Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Nope! Having been duly chastized by you... repeatedly!... for important thangs like "staying on topic" (when ya can't come up with any other way of responding to my "ackshually honest O-pinions")...Ol' roo has finally learned his lesson!

"Debating" anything with you intelleckshuals is like competing in the Special Olympics. You might win! But you're still a retard.

Precious few of you boyz are interested in anything other than posting the same stoopid, tired old shit aimed at your same stoopid, tired old audience of syncophants. It ain't worth trying to refute the results of yer simplistic data-mining of the interwebs for the drivel that shows how "objective" and "well informed" y'all are.

This very POS thread...especially the original a perfect example.

It ain't nuthin but lame insults couched in an invitation for anyone who dares disagree with you idiots to submit themselves for a beatdown.

But....OH!!...the OP said he didn't want this to be a "bash Kamala session." Right. And we end up with another boring passle o' lies.

Who coulda predicted THAT?! Whew. (boring!)

Sooo...FUCK IT!

Nihilism rules!

It will be easier....and MUCH more use yer own inanity against you.

Yer welcome and thank you for your service.
