Showcase videos

As a suggestion and if digital space is available, it would be nice if providers had the option to present a short 30 second video of themselves. It wouldn't have to be anything provocative, just a quick intro and insight into their personalities. I think it would be a great marketing tool and would allow us clients to make a more informed decision.

Also, I would suggest providers to post short clips of themselves in their websites (for those who have one). If privacy is an issue, you could blur out your face.

A good example is Sasha from Austin. I love her website blogs and would love to see her one day just based on her personality in these videos. Her showcase has her website link:

We have the technology, why not use it?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-12-2015, 05:03 AM
I agree. I gave noticed a number of such videos and think they are very helpful. Jaycee Rivers has some very nice ones.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I would really love that! I make videos and I do post linked screenshots in my ads, but I'd love to be able to have a video in my profile. Honestly... even a prominent place to LINK to a video would be cool!

I wish I could figure out how to embed Vimeo videos into ECCIE ads. That would be fun too.
Interesting idea.... might be some things to address on the site to build the capability of this.
That would be a great idea. With all the technology we have it would help the clients make a better decision on what they want to see.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 04-19-2015, 10:08 AM
I love this idea ... and in fact ... I would suggest your pictures be the provocative enticement in your ad and that you focus your video on showing your personality rather than as most do making a sex tape ... I can tell from your pictures if you are Physically my "type" ... what a video can show is your personality.

use your video to go to that next level ... tell us who you are and what you like what turns you on (basically - turn on a camera and talk to me rather than creating a porno production) ... let us hear your voice, your laugh, show how venerable you are or how confident you feel ... and don't worry much about WHAT that personality IS ... there is always someone that will be turned on by the unique you ... heck some days I wake up and I want a shy girl that makes me feel like I am in control other days I want a provocateur that can ravage me and make me putty ... in the end many of us are here because variety is the spice of life.

Honestly, I would do a video in an interview format ... like you would interview a porn star ... so tell me what is your favorite position? What is the craziest thing you have ever done? What's your best joke? ... what the questions are doesn't matter it is being able to see how you react and answer them that let's us see what kind of a person you are ... it leads to a deeper GFE or PSE experience ...
I just checked in to this post and am glad there was some traction to the idea of making a video. I say why not?!? 5T and the rest who posted have some good points. I recently saw Sasha and it was her videos that caught my attention and none of them were provocative! She simply spoke about her music hobby and I just loved her voice and laid back demeanor. Hope this catches on and would love to see Zoey's work!