Just wondering.

SweetDulce's Avatar
This question pertains to both a previous thread here, and a thread in Diamonds& T. .

Do you Men REALLY care if a Provider is educated? (In the hobby only, not as SD/SB.)

So many posts ridicule Providers' intellegence and level of learning.
Seems Men always say they want a smart woman to share the hobby bed with, but actually just want a good listener and a Provider that can easily follow direction.
pyramider's Avatar
It helps, an educated woman knows what, and where, her taint is ...
I love smart ladies and seek out perceived intelligence in the hobby (perceived before I've met them, hopefully confirmed after). It's not always the same thing as educated but education is a good sign. There are two reasons for this. One, I figure smart ladies are a hell of a lot less likely to put me in a situation I don't want to be caught in. Second, I enjoy talking to an intelligent lady - especially when she is next to me naked in bed. There is more to the hobby than just the physical, at least for me.
Dulce, I think men (some) are looking for a certain level of intelligence not necessarily a graduate degree. You don't have to be able to discuss physics or philosophy but they enjoy being with an articulate woman who can converse about current events and have their own opinions. I realize there are men who could care less if a woman can spell her own name, but thank goodness they are not the majority.
Jon[s]'s Avatar

At the end of it all, I'm here to bust a nut. That said, I don't judge providers based on their intelligence, but it's always very appreciated when a provider has it. I must say I've gotten into some great conversations with providers, especially while the first nut has been busted and I'm priming for the next one. Plus it does help break the ice a lot easier I will admit.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I enjoy talking to an intelligent lady - especially when she is next to me naked in bed. There is more to the hobby than just the physical, at least for me. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
^^^^^^^^^^^This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
SweetDulce's Avatar
Maybe I was so much in doubt because during initial contact I've been told my intellect was the main attraction, but these same men didn't even listen to me during cuddling. They would talk and appreciate I understood them. Hence why I said the good listener.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Good point about the dangerous situation issue Mr. Watchout.
  • anita
  • 04-25-2015, 01:03 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong. If they are in the mood to just fuck (excuse my French), intelligence is irrelevant. However, in a multi-hours session, some intelligence is definitely required... As well as some chemistry. There are some smart women that just never had the funds to go to college. A degree is great, but must not be used to determine someone level of intelligence.
Formal education is nice, but not necessary. Intelligence, yes. Being able to string together complete sentences in The Queen's English with a cock in one's mouth gets bonus points.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
A degree is great, but must not be used to determine someone level of intelligence. Originally Posted by anita
I work with some pretty stupid degreed people.

I also work with phd's that wear only slip on shoes.....

.....because they cant tie their own shoelaces.

Edit: oh yeah....SD, cute avatard.
The point about session length is a good one. I rarely do an hour, usually 90 to 120 minutes and have done as much as 3 hours. At my age, all of that time is not going to be filled with "activities". So in between activities, it's nice when a provider can carry on an intelligent convo. And it goes without saying that a great sense of humor is a huge plus.
  • 2shy
  • 04-25-2015, 03:52 PM
I agree with watchout on this one. There is more to a session that just the physical. I would say intelligence level may not be the way I think about it. I do want someone that can carry on a conversation (both talking and listening!) - and a higher level of intelligence or education can help that, but it isn't always the primary driver.

I do know that I have passed over ads and such based on how they are written. I have seen ads that appeared with an "I'm better than you" attitude while being written like "sumtimes nuthin keepz me together at the seems" (this was taken from a random web forum, not hobby related).

When I see things like that I lose all interest. Misspelling or incorrect grammar usage is one thing - it happens. This type of thing though - I imagine that the person writing that would have no clue about anything. The same applies for punctuation.

Basically, you don't have to be Hawking, but at least put forth some effort.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Formal education is nice, but not necessary. Intelligence, yes. Being able to string together complete sentences in The Queen's English with a cock in one's mouth gets bonus points. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
True, seems like formal education is nice, but I am still not sure if intellegence is mandatory.
Many guys are labeling a Provider "smart" when the proper terms would be "of average communication skills" and "not ghetto."
SweetDulce's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong. If they are in the mood to just fuck (excuse my French), intelligence is irrelevant. However, in a multi-hours session, some intelligence is definitely required... As well as some chemistry. Originally Posted by anita
Lol. No need for correction!