Advice for a newbie in ATX

oldfashioned's Avatar
Hi there, I'm brand new to all of this and I'm a bit skeptic (nervous). I have a a few questions and I was hoping that maybe some of you more experienced members could steer me in the right direction. I'm sure there's already a thread somewhere covering most of these things but I couldn't find it.
1. How safe is this? Are STD's very common? Are undercover cops common?
2. Are most of your experiences pleasant in the sense that its not real awkward during or after?
3. As far as getting verified and submitting personal info. What is acceptable? Is my info safe?
and lastly,
4. Any good suggestions for my first lady? Preferably more "upscale" and covered from start to finish.

Looking forward to your responses and being part of this crazy community.

Hermosa's Avatar
A couple quick answers to your questions.
1. This will be as safe as you make it! I stress again, nobody is responsible for your safety but you!
2. Some of the experiences are fun and some are ugly. Read the reviews for your area. Read the alerts.
3. You will have to determine where you draw the line on what onformation you give out. You will find a lot of good information available in the forums. My suggestion, look for newbie friendly ladies, post reviews, participate in the forums so the ladies can get a sense of who you are, and go for it.
4. Finally, unless the ladies have reviews by guys from here, stay away from BP! Be patient as you get started. Desperation only results in ugly situations. As you will hear again and again, take advantage of ll the resources available here to play safe and have fun. Also, check out all the beautiful ladies to keep you motivated! FROM ST Searcher....The Newbie Whisperer
If you follow his advice as I have, you will find this hobby a fullfilling and fabulous place. The people here are awesome. Patience, patience, and more patience.....
I forgot to tell you I learned some lessons the hard way before St Searcher and some of his more experienced friends here set me straight......and some of the fine ladies too. Now I am enjoying what ECCIE has to offer and I'm just getting started.!!!
FoulRon's Avatar
If your worried about "feelings of awkwardness", might I suggest starting with a few visits to some of our fine AMPs, as a way to "break your cherry", so to speak. A few visits should be enough to tell if this hobby is right for you.
The only downside is that you won't be able to use them for references, but if you post reviews, you might get a little extra traction with the newbie-friendlies, a certainly with other guys on the board.
And take part in the forums as well, particularly in the Austin forums. Just be careful taking advice from some of the more senior members. There are a few of us who like to take a "fuck with the freshmen" mentality just as much as we like to actually be helpful.
Lastly, research, research, research.....and always wear a cover.