Craigslist "Dating" section shut down

From time to time, I go to Craigslist to see the crazy postings in the dating section.

Went this morning to check it out and it is shut down - due to some bill congress passed.

It says the following

US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.

Here's the link -
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Yup, they pulled all their personals when the bill passed the Senate. See the discussion in the Alert section.

Wow. That is the end of the 1st Amendment. No shit.

Come for my guns and there will be a whole different response... and Eccie will be looking for a new moderatator.
Politicians, they overcompensate for their lack of common sense by making the solution worse than the problem so they can say "look what we did, vote for us".
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
The politicians are just whoring for votes. This bill was easy to pass - who's going to vote against stopping human trafficking. They're pandering to the religious right.

kiki2012's Avatar
The religious still need to control what we all can and cant do. Fucking backwards mentallity and they are hypocrites!!!!!!!!
kiki, it's been said a hypocrite is just someone who isn't themselves on Sunday morning while at church.
I've been thinking about this stupid ass bill today and came to the conclusion that is the perfect political law because all politicians can say 'look at what we did to help' without actually doing a damn thing. And in reality, they will drive traffickers further under the radar making them harder to find and actually not help the girls they intended on helping.

Bottom line: Politicians fucked up again. Why won't they go extinct for the sake of regular people? I could go on all night about the evil bastards....