Confirmed management: Kara Bentley

So just a head's up to you fine folks but Kara Bentley is definitely managed. No supposition since I talked to and was threatened by him directly. Also she won't stop blowing up my phone after I commented as much on a review.

So background is I was taking a gander at some of the other sites (listcrawler in this case) and found her ad on there without her name. I was on the phone with her trying to feel out if she was someone I wanted to see when she failed one my tests. When it became obvious I was not interested she said "Well hey I'm on OH2. Look up Kara Bentley." I responded "Well in that case I'm still hanging up."

This led her to believe that someone, somewhere had said something about her. To be honest her name did ring a bell and not a good one. But nothing specific. She proceeded to bombard me with texts trying to figure out what I "knew" and speculating that it was some girl called Chelsea. After awhile she started sending me a bunch of nasty texts which is amusing. I got another offer to come over and hang out with her 4 friends (obvious trap at this point). Then I got 12 calls in 15 minutes. That was the manager. Dude talks way too fast to not be on something and was super eager to fight, trying to get me to come over and see the girls, threatening to track me down and beat me up, threatening to call the cops(?)... etc...

Now a lot of girls around here are managed to some degree which is one of the reasons I don't let girls know my address, name, and any other identifiable information. The real problems arise when you get one who is an idiot or feels like going after anyone who disrespects by not seeing the girl. Lots of you will see a managed girl and never hear from the manager unless there's some kind of wrong doing. This is not one of those situations so anyone reading this I would advise you seek out someone else. Everything you do in this hobby carries risk but this guy seems likely to cause trouble.

I might also suggest keeping your distance from her doubles partners since the dude seemed to imply that all four girls were "his." At the very least do not do outcall under any circumstances. Even if you have a hotel of your own they still might be able to get some info from the hotel.

Just looking out for you all. I don't care if a girl isn't what I want or is just kind of a jerk but this isn't something I can ignore.

I'm posting this very publicly because the SOP for these kind of things are reversals, denials, and from the way she's coming at me now I want to be very sure I don't get yet another fake alert for calling out poor behavior.
Agent220's Avatar
Jesus Christ...

I understand the need for drivers and schedulers but to be pimped in 2019 is just sad. Research hobby economics, marketing and understanding gross/net profit margin or don't do it.

As far as management threats..I'd laugh and show off my tattoo.
I agree with you as far as it being funny but personally I just don't have time for the BS any more. I'm mostly just pissed that her and the manager were blowing up my phone for so long the night of and started in again this week.
Burner phone #s with block feature are your friend....
I’m glad I dodged that bullet, she had me with her pics, but the text between us just didn’t seem genuine, now I know why.
tpepsi's Avatar
Block and move on.
The Ghost of Jeff Epstein's Avatar