First at home syphilis test

Northerndancer's Avatar
No longer in the life, but for all the folks in the lifestyle I hope this helps make you safe.Just approved last week. Stay safe
Really think a provider is willing to take this before an encounter?? LOL
Think this is more for us after an encounter. Somebody posted on this site, although not sure if public or private, a link to a Internet testing outfit. Can't find post, but imagine Google search would turn it up quickly. This company basically will send a script for you to get tested at your local lab, ie LabCorp or Quest or whomever. You go to lab, have blood drawn or whatever, and results go back to company and then to you. Not sure if have all the particulars involved in this, but you get the picture. For those who don't want to fess up to their own doc or go to any local Planned Parenthood if there is one still around. Poster was negative so didn't say if they would also provide needed meds depending on condition, but would imagine that the next step
Northerndancer's Avatar there are several others. Also ny state now offers free rapid
Northerndancer's Avatar
Ladies in montreal will use oracheck 15 min hiv test $50 upcharge there are several others. Also ny state now offers free rapid Originally Posted by Northerndancer
What n where does NYS offer testing?
Northerndancer's Avatar
Sorry Tomb had premature button compression. What I meant to say was New York State is offering the two day post post accidental exposure for free. Oral doxycycline. That way you carry with you to take should not use protection
No longer in the life, but for all the folks in the lifestyle I hope this helps make you safe.Just approved last week. Stay safe Originally Posted by Northerndancer
Is this because of the whole getting caught thing? What happened with that anyway?
Northerndancer's Avatar
Not sure how to answer that. Everyone is probably all in those FB groups the same way all of the girls you guys see are written up in the men’s area here. Doesn’t seem to impact commerce either way. However I don’t think anyone should run for public office.

Personally, It was awkward but I was already stopping and my SO was incredibly supportive. I joined SAA have sex therapist, sponsor, etc. Divorce and finding the right partner helped a lot. Hoping for a real happy ending.
A seeking girl posted me in one of those 518 are we dating the same guy places and a different SA girl id never talked to commented I was on seeking. I would have hoped those girls would have more discretion but they def don’t. We are for sure all over those pages
Northerndancer's Avatar
How did you find out you were on there and what was said? I'd imagine more than half of us are plastered all over those groups.
A friend told me and read me the comments. I had a few people reach out and tell me