providers with no AA review policy???

I'm a member here with a few reviews so I figured I'd be ok. Been wanting to see this certain "white" provider because she is fine as hell and her reviews are stellar. We do some basic back and forth and she agrees to see me although none of my reviewees answer the phone...kool.Random thought, I REALLY WANT TO SEE EXOTIC BEAUTY WHEN SHE COMES TO TOWN!!! I digress. I'm a fairly handsome middle aged clean cut light skinned black guy. I get to her incall with donation and other pleasantries and she tells me she doesn't have a problem with my race but I can't review her because other pervs on here won't see her if she sees black guys. Really??? I can't believe that racism is that strong that some of you guys would stop seeing a provider because she sees blacks. Hell to be quite frank...(I REALLY WANT TO SEE EXOTIC BEAUTY) i can't see how a provider would not see a black guy I thought the goal was GREEN. If I had a store I'd want all of you bastards money. Seriously though I know to each his own but knock the lady for her clients, you're not fcuking them. She was awesome though. I will see her again but I don't want to mess her money up so mums the word. On another note. ..I REALLY WANT TO SEE EXOTIC BEAUTY WHEN SHE COMES TO HOUSTON, damn she's fine!!!!
*pops a bag of kettle corn*
That's the way it is, because that's the way it is. Trying to change someone's mind or attitude is like trying to tell some one that hates veggies they are yummy. Save your breath and move on.
Super Head 713's Avatar
When I first got into the hobby my friend and I were doing doubles and she would offer it to guys but a lot of them declined due to racism. I have also had a lot of guys state that they have a nba policy, but I have seen a few guys that never seen an African American provider before but after me I have seen numerous reviews they written on aa women. I have also been told that some guys prefer not to see a woman if she seen an aa man because they heard that they are blessed below and they feel as if things wouldn't feel the same
Geez not this shit again , people have their preferences they are going to see who they want to see and the best thing to do is learn to deal with it and move on ... Just because you think you're gods gift dosnt mean you are ... Just take care of the ones who will see you and have a good time and show them a great time ... Avoid all the drama but that's just my thoughts on the subject
maybe it's just me...clearly stated too each his own. My point was i couldn't REVIEW her because i was black. I hadn't heard that one before. Nba policies, how ever absurd they may be, or any other race policy for that matter...have been around. I had never heard, we could proceed but don't review, when I clearly found her on a REVIEW board. Didnt know that the Hobbiest wouldn't see a provider based on her clients...that's it...carry on
  • Alli
  • 04-14-2013, 11:51 AM
I have gone through the same thing with a couple reviewers not writing one for me, because some providers would not want to see them afterwards. It sucks, but that's just the way some people are and you have to move past it.
torpedo69's Avatar
The race card comes up way to much on this board. I think it is kinda....well WOW...wont see a provider because she has seen a black man. Society has come a long way since Dr. King but we have a long way to go. People are people. Judge them for who they are and not physical appearance. The only opion that should come into play are, attitude, way of speaking (can they hold a conversation without using slang every other sentance or even every other word), maybe even the way they dress (because to frank wardrobe can be a big turn on or turn off). We need to stop letting peoples genetic ancestry affect who we show or do not show respect to.
OP: Easy Bro ... Just get your freak and don't write a Review. And, why would you mention your ethnicity in a Review anyhow?
Geez not this shit again , people have their preferences they are going to see who they want to see and the best thing to do is learn to deal with it and move on ... Just because you think you're gods gift dosnt mean you are ... Just take care of the ones who will see you and have a good time and show them a great time ... Avoid all the drama but that's just my thoughts on the subject Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
I believe his point was that she WOULD see him but she just didn't want other guys to know about it.

To the OP, I think the solution is easy. Just have a good time with the lady and respect her wishes.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Lol you couldn't write a review so you decided to blast her in another way. I don't think you will ever see her again
Stinky...I never have mentioned my race in any review. The young lady in question asked my race over the phone and once I arrived she informed me that she would appreciate it if I didn't post a review on her because i am black and she feared other men would not see because of that fact....LMAO, everyone here seems to be missing my point. Everyone keeps saying let go and move on and chill...I'm definitely not upset nor do I care. I merely posted this thread to hear others opinions and to see if this was common. I'm still going to see her again.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Fuck her you're in Texas, Houston to be exact there are so many other beautiful provider who don't care what racist ass hobbyest think ... funny how she took your money, but won't let you review her hell I would review her anyways ....
OP: I sympathize with you ... We do not live in an enlightened world ... Pity. But, she's just TCB.

How would she know you wrote a Review unless she also knew your handle? That's why I never make an appt through this Board or as Stinkyfingers ...
Lol you couldn't write a review so you decided to blast her in another way. I don't think you will ever see her again Originally Posted by Super Head 713
How did i blast her sweetheart? No mention of her name, where she's from, and no telling physical description. Didnt say anything negative about the lady. I'm respecting her wishes. Cant see how she's on blast.