AZ Misty - died 3/1/2016 - concerns

AZ Misty - died 3/1/2016 - concerns
She was more active on another large board but some may know her here.

I was one of the few it seems that never got on her bad side. I am well aware of the dirty tricks she did and the drama she caused many.

I have been contacted about companions concern about the detailed spreadsheets she kept with all the dirt and extensive details on various companions, as well as very detailed notes on each client. There is concern that those records get destroyed. One companion who saw her spreadsheets said "they scared me to death."

One key may be the client that owned the home she rented from him in Tempe. Hopefully, he knows she died and hope he would destroy any records if he can get into her computer. If anyone knows him or if he is reading please contact me privately.

In December 2015 she was visited by PD and told they knew about her ads and if saw again they would be back. She wanted to move but between illness and lack of money was unable to.

There are some false rumors going around that I believe she would want to have cleared up about her death. No, it was not suicide.

This is the final e-mail Misty send me on 2/21/2016 just over a week before her death. I thought worth sharing so folks will know the truth.

"Dave, Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work in the industry. I realize sometimes it is a thankless job but know that I and others appreciate it. I don't have much time left here on earth so wanted to say goodbye and thank you. Plz if any one asks just tell them I fought a strong battle but lost. May you have all the best and live for today.

In an earlier e-mail she had vaguely mentioned a serious illness.