Tea Party Texas AG threatens student who supported Wendy

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Heyyyy ABBOTT!!!

One little single mom is making the entire conservative world collectively SHIT ITSELF!

Say hello to the next Ann Richards!

From Daily Kos:

Greg Abbott, Texas AG and rabid tea party loud-mouth, is now apparently threatening a female student who supported Wendy Davis.

This is just disgusting:

Lt. Gov. Dewhurst & Atty. Gen. Greg Abbott Consider Charges Against Student Who Led Eyes of Texas
Leigh Larson, a leader of and organizer with College Kids For Wendy, is now becoming another face of the movement to Stand With Texas Women. Much like Martha Northington, Larson has received a lot of plaudits for leading the "Eyes of Texas" in the Capitol Rotunda at the end of Tuesday night's citizen filibuster.

Now Lt. Governor David Dewhurst may have his eyes on her. She has received notice that the Lt. Governor and Attorney General Greg Abbott may be considering pressing charges on her along with others for "disturbing the peace" and "inciting a riot".

This appears to be motivated by partisan politics and not a bona fide attempt to enforce the law.

This smacks strongly of abuse of power and it would seem to also be an ethical breach - bogus charges to intimidate the student, shut her up and suppress her Constsitutionally-protected free speech rights?

Abbott's twitter stream has been in the past been used to consistently attack President Obama. How can you expect fairness and integrity from a law enforcement official who runs his mouth so publicly and frequently on partisan political issues?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-30-2013, 10:38 AM
these good ole Texas rightwingers are going to keep fucking around with women and lose the womens vote ... wont hurt my feelings if I live to see it either.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Get ready, cause here they come.

If the democrats energize the minority vote, they could wind up in the low to mid 40s, give or take. Add just 10% defection by moderate, pro-education Repubs and "one or two" pissed off Republican women, and...

Shake hands with Governor Davis!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-30-2013, 11:04 AM
I cringe at the thought of losing Gv, Perry ... not
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We really ought to think hard about these "manly," strong Texas men. Once upon a time, the strong defended the weaker. Now, they merely seek to crush them and relegate them back to their "place." Kind of makes you wonder how secure these guys are in their manhood. I guess that's what you get when you elect ex-cheerleaders of the "male" persuasion.

These guys look like what they are: Little people who got flustered, panicked and were very slow and clumsy on their feet when the not-so-carefully-diagrammed set piece came unwound. Fools, lazy fools.

Oh, they'll get their little bill because they'll do it first rather than last. That's cool, they have the votes - for a while. Patience is a virtue and will be rewarded. Sen. Wendy got them on the education bill and temporarily on the abortion "safety" bill. She's smart and she's motivated on issues that directly effect a lot of voters. One doesn't become #1 at Harvard by being a dupe. This is not good for Abbott and Costello, er, Perry.
Abbott is a shitbag of the first order who wants to be governor.
Of course I know the left doesn't believe in it, but actions have consequences. Woman or not, if the law was broken by her despicable and out of control behavior, take her down. She should take heart, though, she'll probably get a personal call from O'Blunder like Sandra "The Slut" Fluke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did she break the law, Lappy? I don't think so. Was singing "The Eyes of Texas" despicable and out of control? Puh-leeze.

If anybody was out of control, it was Dewhurst and the dipshits who couldn't legally end Governor Davis' filibuster.

Guess they're not used to hearing from the people of Texas when they do their dirty work.

You're out of line for a change, Yappy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A public official running his mouth??? "the police acted stupidedly", "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon", "we are the people we've been waiting for", "you lost, I won", and "If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost." (and he is making sure that is the case)

I find very interesting that no one has said what Ms Larson was doing, or supposed to have done to get such attention. I wonder why that is.

Did she break the law, Lappy? I don't think so. Was singing "The Eyes of Texas" despicable and out of control? Puh-leeze.

Read my post again, DSOY. There's a huge word in it...IF.

If anybody was out of control, it was Dewhurst and the dipshits who couldn't legally end Governor Davis' filibuster.

Wrong again, DSOY. The filibuster was over when these asshole baby-killers took over the proceedings.

Guess they're not used to hearing from the people of Texas when they do their dirty work.

The people of Texas want this law. That's why the makeup of the state legislature is as it is. Does 19-10 sound familiar??

You're out of line for a change, Yappy.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So, you're saying I'm usually IN line...?? Thanks!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you, Gerry Mander!

Baby Killers? Nice talk, redneck asshole!

You're too fucking stupid to know what Im saying Yappy. Didn't you claim Mensa membership?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Is a mensa some sort of tool on an oil rig? It must be since East Texas Rig Hand claims to be familiar with what it is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
another frog-mouthed fraud...
Thank you, Gerry Mander!

Baby Killers? Nice talk, redneck asshole!

You're too fucking stupid to know what Im saying Yappy. Didn't you claim Mensa membership?

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not one response of any substance, as usual. Answer my post, DSOY...I responded line for line to yours.

Never said a word about MENSA. As you're so fond of saying...post the link.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're wrong, line for line. And lying, line for line. The bill failed when Sen. Van de Putte raised a point of order ... And then the gallery went batshit. I suppose you're against the fucking US constitution, Yappy!

Are you admitting you're no genius, Yapoy? JOIN THE CLUB!

BTW -- I posted the fucking thread, idiot. Disprove it or not. But it's on you, not me, trailer trash!