Obamacare for Business pushed back past '14 elections

The failure is upon us. They are still going to try for the individual mandate for January 2014, but without the businesses behind this it is going to be extremely hard to get enough healthy people to pay for the sick and elderly. The truth of the matter is that after 3 years of writing the regulations, it is still not completed. It is no wonder businesses don't support this when they don't even know what the law is yet.

Also, with only appx 90 days until open enrollment (and individuals don't know what the law is either), they still cannot get the major underwriters to even price the exchange policies without guarantees that the healthy will sign up and pay, and the government has not done so. But they are trying very hard, as evidence in the new desperation program to educate, and enlist 5th graders in trying to talk their parents into buying in to Obamacare. Learn at your public school how great it is and go tell your mommy and daddy to sign up! Now that is funny desperation.

Onotcare did it to try and get the house in 2014.
Onotcare did it to try and get the house in 2014. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Of course, rats bailing on the sinking ship.
Universal healthcare for all Americans is the Obama administration number one priority.

Second only to winning the 2014 mid-term elections.
Universal healthcare for all Americans is the Obama administration number one priority.

Second only to winning the 2014 mid-term elections. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And they better be careful with that. If millions are facing penalties for not being able to afford healthcare around election time, repeal might start sounding pretty good to them.
And they better be careful with that. If millions are facing penalties for not being able to afford healthcare around election time, repeal might start sounding pretty good to them. Originally Posted by nwarounder
All the employes that would have been laid-off at the end of this year because of Onotcare will not be laid-off until 2015. The big companies were pissed and I guess they are happy, now. Now Onotcare and his Chitcago mobsters think they can steal the House of Reps.
Universal healthcare for all Americans is the Obama administration number one priority.

Second only to winning the 2014 mid-term elections. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The whole winning the 2014 mid-terms is laughable. Obama, Pelosi and Prince Harry had a near supermajority for nearly two years and could barely pass Obamacare...and that's by making outrageous payoffs and backroom deals and sad parliamentary maneuvers.

Winning the 2014 mid-terms simply isn't going advance the Obama agenda substantially. That ship sailed for good reason.
  • Laz
  • 07-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Wait til all of the low income people have to pay a penalty tax because they already don't have enough money. Then the younger people will keep hearing about how they are paying a higher premium to subsidize older people on top of the tax they already pay to provide medicare to people over 65. Eventually people will wake up and ask how this is such a great deal.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
smart move.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Winning the house is a major thing for Obama. The first term (including the first two years) Obama had to be careful not to go too far. Now he has more "flexibility" which makes things easier if he has both houses again.

As for covering everyone; even the CBO has announced that 30 million will not be covered.
Wait til all of the low income people have to pay a penalty tax because they already don't have enough money. Then the younger people will keep hearing about how they are paying a higher premium to subsidize older people on top of the tax they already pay to provide medicare to people over 65. Eventually people will wake up and ask how this is such a great deal. Originally Posted by Laz
The low income people will automatically get exemptions from the penalty and financial assistance to get insurance. It's in the bill.

Businesses, insurance companies, and states have had time to prepare. They just refused to thinking it would be overturned in one of the 38 votes the house took instead of embracing change.
LexusLover's Avatar
#1: The low income people will automatically get exemptions from the penalty and financial assistance to get insurance. It's in the bill.

#2: Businesses, insurance companies, and states have had time to prepare. They just refused to thinking it would be overturned in one of the 38 votes the house took instead of embracing change. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
Point #2 is factually incorrect. Business and the states are waiting on the insurance companies to have quoted premiums for open enrollment that begins Oct 1st 2013, but the Secretary has not promulgated sufficient regulations (too busy passing out exemptions ... at last estimate count about 2,500) for the insurance industry to #1 determine what will be mandatory coverage for underwriting, #2 what will be market for premium determinations, and #3 whether they want to be in any pool in the first place .. or quit writing health insurance all together.

The other fly in the pie is the ridiculous operation of the IRS, which was to "oversee" the implementation and enforcement ... but now is being investigated and may be neutered.

As for "embracing change" .... some providers are not receptive to Greek at any price!