A DT Survey

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ok ladies.....

What size can you deepthroat?

1) 1.3" of dangling death

2) 4"

3) 6"

4) 8"

5) 10"

6) unusual DED types

Feel free to be specific if one of the choices don't fit what you feel is accurate. I ask so that some of us can have more realistic expectations when choosing to contact one of you

Guys come on..... It has to go down their to be considered DT
It's not always the length that's the issue. You can work through a gag and not stop, but the girth is an issue - my mouth and throat is only so wide. If I were part anaconda, I could unhinge my jaw and go from there...
I'm just now getting to where I can DT, but I agree with you the girth oh my that's my next hurdle... I love to practice!!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
EA. Your examples are kinda bad. You have to use something real world they can relate it to.

small aspirin/tylenol bottle (2.5in)

credit card (3.5in)

$15.00 (fifteen dollar) baseball park hotdog (5.25in)

Samsung Galaxy Note (6in)

Dos Equis bottle (9in)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Never bothered to whip out a measuring tape in the middle of this particular activity, or any other in the bedroom. Seems like it would be disruptive.... and possibly depressing to one or more participants.

How about the "pickle" method? Ladies, if all you can swallow is a Gerkin, you're not a DT candidate. A Vlasic spear in one slow gulp is a start. If you can engulf a whole Claussen dill and still have room for the sub sandwich, you're an oral goddess! (And possibly not of this Earth.)

Dorian Gray's Avatar
That will work too....

Eccie Addict's Avatar
That's why I said please feel free to use your own words if mine fail to accurately describe your ability
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Let me down a couple of Jamesons in Guinness glasses to relax the muscles (now you know why Irish girls drink), and God knows what I can get in there.

"Let me down a couple of Jamesons in Guinness glasses to relax the muscles (now you know why Irish girls drink), and God knows what I can get in there."

We Now know where Hoffa is!! LMAO
I practice every chance I get.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Haha I didn't think you were actually going to make this thread EA I cant stop laughing(;
john353's Avatar
Haha I didn't think you were actually going to make this thread EA I cant stop laughing(; Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Oh he's quite serious. This is how EA conducts intensive research...he starts threads!
#4 with some sausage girth

Never met a #5 that had enough girth to count.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Don't listen to him Kaitlyn. BTW no fear I'm just a mere 1.3 of dangling death
Eccie Addict's Avatar
#4 with some sausage girth

Never met a #5 that had enough girth to count. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Well then I would be a piece of cake lol.