My fun question for the day!!!

If you woke up next 2 me in the morning what will be the first thing you say?
Still Looking's Avatar
Where am I?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
What happened to that guy that was in between us last night?
good morning, what would you like for breakfast?
Can you do that thing you did last night, it felt soo damn good
thorleif3x's Avatar
"don't beam me up Scotty, i found life here"
pyramider's Avatar
Bend over.
whitechocolate's Avatar
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Tell me when you will be ready for another feeding
Was I as good as they say I am?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
who are you, not that it matters, and why are you not in the kitchen cooking me something to eat.

or was that

how many stories up is that window
How long is Dave out of town?
Please tell me this is drool on my face.
Captain.Classic's Avatar
So who's being breakfast- I mean, making breakfast this morning?
Lets do it again!
sorry didnt mean to wake you up when i poked you with that.! lol