Personal info?

Loki Pk's Avatar
What's the deal with dudes sharing their personal info with providers and vice versa?
I understand that sometimes shit happens and we make the connection to names and degrees of separation and all that.
But why share that info freely and on purpose only to have some nutjob turn it into a shitstorm? Most of us know never to do it, yet too many seem to do it over and over.

So...What's the deal? Blind ignorance or purposeful destruction?
Ladies, do guys just volunteer this shit or what?

I only provide personal info for verification. You talking about past that?
Loki Pk's Avatar
What kind of personal info do you provide?Name? Address? Workplace?
Name and work info, mostly because I am working on getting references.
TreeBark's Avatar
out of the gate you are giving your name and work info? are you crazy? if you have someone asking for that you better move on to the next who only asks for a reference. you are setting yourself up for problems down the road.

Name and work info, mostly because I am working on getting references. Originally Posted by MichaelMMotorcycle
That seems to be standard so far. I'm only sharing it with well reviewed providers. I have no references so they need some way to verify me. From everyone I spoke to, girls who don't verify you are probably not being safe. If there is a better way I'm all ears.
TreeBark's Avatar
get your one reference then that leads to your date. then the next one, and so on.
not sure why this is such a process or challenge for you. see one, use her name, do a review, see another, do a review, see another.. .get it?
partake in discussion on this site and others and you will be known well enough that they will recognize you by name (handle).

That seems to be standard so far. I'm only sharing it with well reviewed providers. I have no references so they need some way to verify me. From everyone I spoke to, girls who don't verify you are probably not being safe. If there is a better way I'm all ears. Originally Posted by MichaelMMotorcycle
I guess, I've been reaching out but almost every one worth seeing that will see you without a reference wants personal information to verify you are who you say you are, but I get what you are saying.
TreeBark's Avatar
ive heard tara from NR will see new b's. and she gives references.
Yeah I checked her out once, not really my type :/ I do have something tentative, hopefully that will work out and I should be good to go.
jayreemer's Avatar
If you give your info might as well change your handle to Iscrewedmylifeup lol
yeah I dunno, I get what your saying, and I am sure that some girls to abuse that privilege, but you gotta do your research and find the right people to begin with.