What's Great About Kat..

snoopdogg's Avatar
A great lady who deserves
alot of respect n recognition from this board.....

wondering what others here think about what's great about kat.
Usually these sorts of threads make me want to spew chunks all over my laptop, but, BUT I love Kat so much that this thread instead made me squeal like a school girl. But why do I love her so much? I dunno...let me tease it out.

More than any other provider I have "worked" with or just spent time with or whatever, myself very much included, Kat just puts so much into every session and interaction and I don't know where she gets all of the energy to do that, but she somehow always gets it done. And beyond being on her A-game in sessions, she's on her A-game outside of sessions. What you see is what you get.

She doesn't flirt with and love on a guy for the hour and then immediately roll her eyes and speak negatively when he leaves. She assumes the best in people and although that has gotten the better of her at times, she still picks herself up and assumes the very best in the next person that comes along.

So yeah. She's a rare find...and the good kind. And I don't have a dick, but if I did, rumor has it that she'd know just what to do with it.

Whispers's Avatar
Kat and I disagree on a number of things but agree,I believe, that we should all have the right to express out opinions.......

I enjoy our exchanges because I respect her willingness to be "real" and not conform... her willingness to point out what other's are afraid to talk about.....

She's been one of a very few ladies willing to sit down next to me and express herself ..... I gotta respect a lady that will look me in the eye and say "You don't like me do you?"..... My response was "darlin... I don't know you well enough to not like you......"

I'm still waiting for some info on what happened..... someone PM me..
I like her. She is always nice and fun to be around.
I have never seen Kat BCD, but have met her socially on several occasions. The one word that comes to mind when I think of Kat is GENUINE!
nuglet's Avatar
TFF, there are OTHER opinions. Are you just posting this crap to join the WK club or have you been in a cave for the last several years?
TFF, there are OTHER opinions. Are you just posting this crap to join the WK club or have you been in a cave for the last several years? Originally Posted by nuglet
The other opinion folks can add their .02 if they want.
nuglet's Avatar
pm's were sent to the appropriate folks. you already have my $.02
any OTHER wk's wanna speak up?
pm's were sent to the appropriate folks. you already have my $.02
any OTHER wk's wanna speak up? Originally Posted by nuglet
Thanks for the PM. I appreciate your POV. I think that the WK shot was a little uncalled for, particularily since I clarified my "knowledge" of Kat in the post. Obviously I haven't had the exposure to Kat that you and perhaps others have, but stating my opinion based on my exposure (however limited) doesn't make me a WK for her or anyone else. Maybe a touch naive, perhaps!
nuglet's Avatar
Space; in retrospect, my apologies for that comment. Party on dude!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have never been with Kat BCD, but I have also met her in many social occasions and she has always been fun and genuine. So I do like Kat.

TFF, there are OTHER opinions. Are you just posting this crap to join the WK club or have you been in a cave for the last several years? Originally Posted by nuglet
Nug, really, sounds like you have issues here.

nuglet's Avatar
Nope, not at all. Just hate to see folks sucked in to a false positive. No issues, just the facts maam.
  • Booth
  • 04-06-2010, 01:03 PM
pm's were sent to the appropriate folks. you already have my $.02
any OTHER wk's wanna speak up? Originally Posted by nuglet
Sure, I'll go for it. As someone who has never met Kat but thinks she's pretty great, I was happy to see this thread appear and would have thought those who were less than happy would have simply moved on to a thread that was more to their liking. But you can't do that, can you? I'm guessing personal grudge but really don't care. I just hate to see your presence in the thread stink things up when it was clearly intended to be a positive feel-good kind of thread.

Rock on, Kat!
I will speak up as well.........I have only seen Kat twice BCD over the years but had great sessions both times in all categories. Kat calls a spade a spade and that bothers some people. I didn't experience any issues with her that bothered me at all and if I did,I would say so.....cause I call 'em like I see 'em as well and do so in all my reviews. Everyone has different opinions about all the ladies here and you would expect that with such a diverse group of people. I have no dog in this fight.....call me a WK or just a long term regular guy here that is reporting my experience with Kat either on the board or BCD.
nuglet's Avatar
Sure, I'll go for it. As someone who has never met Kat but thinks she's pretty great, I was happy to see this thread appear and would have thought those who were less than happy would have simply moved on to a thread that was more to their liking. But you can't do that, can you? I'm guessing personal grudge but really don't care. I just hate to see your presence in the thread stink things up when it was clearly intended to be a positive feel-good kind of thread.

Rock on, Kat! Originally Posted by Booth
Fair enough; I asked for any other WK's to pipe in.. you did, thanks.
Military term: MMR; "you never met her, but...."