Hobbiest and Porn producing

bchum1977's Avatar
Has anyone on this site ever tried to produce amatuer pornography? I figure there are plenty of people on here paying for play, why hasn't someone tried to find those willing to film it and make a profitable interent business? I know there is the privacy issue for the providers, but in todays millions of videos, what are the chances you are ever actually recognized in an amatuer film. I know many providers would say hell no, but there is such a diversity in provider's menu's, rates, ages, philosophies......that I would have to assume there is a good amount of providers that would consider film, if done so in a safe organized way. Please Providers let me know your opionion, or guys let me know your experiences if you'd tried before. Someone could start this with realtively no capital....just a good camera to film POV style porn. Anyone tried? Any provider's interested......?
I know of a number of providers who are/were in porn as well. Some do P4V webshows, etc. Not supprising really. I would guess there are more who would if their issues can be covered. No idea of distrbution and marketing. Always a market for porn out there. Might not be as cheep as you might think to actualy make coin from it.

Good luck with the quest :-)
Eklutna's Avatar
The wholesale/ distributor prices are dropping because there is so much free stuff available out there now. This is also the first recession in which porn has not prooven to be recession-proof. I would not consider it a growth industry unless you can find a different angle.
With so much free porn to be had, why would I pay? I'm not sure what the appeal would be unless you offered something of a speciality that is not readily available... but I just don't see it.
bchum, the previous comments have merit. Amateur porn is a futile/difficult/$$$$ pursuit. I have a collection consisting of me & about a dozen ladies with many scenes I'd classify as consistently hot as anything online. However, I just can't get any takers willing to pay cash for this material. I've shopped these things around everywhere & have come to the conclusion that the market is glutted & if you DO get in, one must have VERY special connections. Meanwhile, I've become placated in the fact that I've amassed my own library for me & a few select lady friends to enjoy.
Hayden Hightower's Avatar
There is more red tape than you can possibly imagine, as well as a fairly large $$$ investment, even for amateur porn
Although there is a ton of red tape a couple guys have carved out a niche on ebay selling these types of dvd's.

I did this kind of work in the late 90's and considered getting back into it. The Canon XL-1 and GL-1 was the most common used camera in porn until HD came along. Now you can get pro level results with a Canon HDSLR like a 7d or 5dMKII, although both are very hard to use in POV shots.

You can get the production side of it by just buying 1 or 2 HDSLR's, Lights, and a Mac and use Final Cut Express or Final Cut if you desire.

Doing porn is technically illegal to shoot here in Texas, but there are ways around that.
Just wanted to reiterate on how the online porn market is nearly gone.

Check out this post from a working pornographer:
Dennis666's Avatar
I've always wanted to shot Porn. Any tips (btw I'm black, just so you know)
sexydiamond's Avatar
I did a shoot about 2 weeks ago for one and have been asked to do another one. It was a kool experience, but not as easy as it looks.
Hayden Hightower's Avatar
Yes, ALOT more to it than what may seem....