Guys, do you ever fake it?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
A question for the men:

I don't understand the complete reason for it but I do know it happens probably more than females think.

Have you ever faked an orgasm and were you caught? Why did you do it?

TheBizzer's Avatar
I've had a couple girlfriends that would take me not coming as a reflection on them, so from time to time when it wasn't going to happen I would fake it just so they didn't get upset.

And a long, long time ago as a teenager, I once faked an orgasm after the fact, as right as I was coming deep inside a girl she whispered, "whatever you do, don't come inside of me". I disguised the orgasm (how she didn't feel it, I don't know) and then pretended to pull out and roll over, fake finishing onto my stomach.

And that's how babies are born
CoHorn's Avatar
Yes I have and no I didn't get caught. I actually just wanted to get it over with because I was not having a stellar time with the lady. Like the ladies do for the men; I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I made my silly orgasm face and then went to the loo and got ride of the evidence.
TinMan's Avatar
Yeah, it's really not as difficult as you might think.

Now, faking the hard-on...THAT takes some skills.
Int3rested's Avatar
nothing like being on a roll, the roll that flows...
Yes I have, and no I didn't get caught. If you wait till she's in the middle of her O, its not that hard.

Why do it? Two reasons--first, it was near the end of the relationship and the fire was gone (a.k.a Lets Wrap It Up). Second, I wanted to impress her with my nightly two or three orgasm 'abilities', and it made her feel like she was a sex queen for getting me off so much.

So you tell me--who got hurt?
Had a GF that the first time I tried it to avoid hurting her feelings, she knew and said never would I do that again. She said she could actualy feel the throbbing as I came, even through a condom. Very sensitive lady! As we were in a relationship, we talked about my age, health issues, meds, etc and how it had nothing to do with her. After that, never even tried to fake it again. Took a lot of preasure off. Allowed us to just enjoy the moment.

Now, I just tell them upfront that I have meds issues and might not be able to come, but still enjoy it very much. If I do come, they get that "I knew I could do it" look. If not, they have something to blame it on so its not their fault. Seems easier to be honest and not fake it.
youngbillclinton4u's Avatar
not sure i have dated a girl since high school that was dumb enough to fake an orgasm on. but then again the only time i use a condom is with a provider. so it is kinda hard to fake an orgasm if you are bb. but, i did fake enjoying myself with a provider not to hurt her feelings. kinda funny when i look back i am paying her money and i act like i enjoyed myself not to hurt her feelings. nice way to put it is she just was not as fresh as i would have liked. so therefore not really enjoyable.
yaddayadda's Avatar
That's nothing....I faked a whole marriage for 18 1/2 years.
Bobave's Avatar
That's nothing....I faked a whole marriage for 18 1/2 years. Originally Posted by yaddayadda
LMAO, been there!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
LMAO, been there! Originally Posted by Bobave
HaHa...a couple times!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
LOL....You you guys are killing me here!

Okay, so I appreciate the Not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings. But, let me tell you....when it's over, you've done your big fancy "O" face for me, and then I'm actually the one that pulls off that condom.......

Oh, there's no hurt feelings here.
I'm just gonna think you're retarded or something.

What was up with all the "Ooooh Ooof Oooh Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah !!" ???
Really? REALLY?

Either that or I'm gonna think you've been doing It wrong.

I don't know.....
I wont fake it for you if you wont for me.
Sometimes it just ain't in the cards. (Or so I hear..)

~Kelly TNT
daty/o's Avatar

I wont fake it for you if you wont for me.
~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Boy, Kelly, I wish more girls had THAT attitude.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
I'm stupid enough not to know how to fake a nut. I'd probably suck at trying, but there was this one time I was getting a blow job from a fling. Something about her tongue just drove me crazy in the wrong way. I wished I knew how to fake a nut at that moment. I'm a weird man with a very sensitive "head", so when her tongue decided to body slam itself against it. I had to do something to stop the agony and mental damage. The only stupid thing I could come up with was something like "stop it I'm ticklish". I am really ticklish and she knew it, but I really didn't care if she bought it. All I knew was that she didn't know how to use her tongue. Everytime I think about that night I still can feel the pain in my mind. It's like hurting yourself, getting a bruse, and still being able to mentally feel the spot of that bruse a year later. Too bad I was too young and stupid not to tell her what to do. Come to think about it, she didn't know how to do a lot of things. Ehh, blah .. I'm rambling.
Silly silly boys.