Taking a little respite from providing..

Might last only a week, maybe longer...who knows.....but.....It's not fair of me to keep making appointments that I cannot keep, so this is the best decision I can come up with at this point in time if I am just being honest with myself and with you. I am not saying that I am retiring, that is an excercise in futility. But right now, seeing various gentlemen is not something I can do, especially with my school starting back in a few days. I just don't have it in me to spread myself thin. I met someone who not only keeps me plenty busy (and happily), but is a good friend, and I can't stop thinking about him. I'm whipped. I admit it. It is very difficult for me to see anyone else.

I can hear the eyes rolling in your heads, but I need to step away for right now, and give him the best I can give, within the confines of our very unconventional arrangement. Making him happy is the most satisfying job I have ever had...it's really all I want to do right now. I've never been more content, and I love it, and I want to ride it out, no pun intended.

I am still the same post whore I have always been, I just have to take a break from this provider thing for a minute. I'm still gonna get panty-less at the socials that do not happen, I am still going to be here to write my genius works of fiction , I am just not taking any new appointments at this time. My choice, not his.

I have no allusions about this, it ain't my first rodeo and it's a risk that I am willing to take for the fun I am having right now. I'm an instant gratification kind of gal. I am loving every minute of it and that is what is important to me at this point in my life. I am just enjoying the here and now. No biggie.

To the very limited few of you who know about this, keep your trap shut. This is just my own decision, please leave him out of it.

I will be thinking about you all while he is balls-deep inside me. Okay, not really, but it's a nice sentiment, no?

OXOXO ~Dannie
Awesome for you, Dannie. And I like that you're realistic about it. I hope you enjoy your adventure and get everything you want out of it. Glad you're still going to be around. I love your posts.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 08-23-2010, 04:49 PM
Girl go for it girl. You only have one life to live and you have to live it to the FULLEST! Good luck and glad your still sticking aorund here!
Traci, my soul Sista, I could have summed it up with your sig line:

"I crave sex. I fear commitment."

No commitment req'd. I love it.

Luv ya, lady, and there are plenty more molestations from me, coming your way!
  • Aflac
  • 08-23-2010, 04:55 PM
Dannie - Good for you. Gotta take advantage of these life situations when they surface. You seem to have at least as good a perspective on this stuff as anyone else here.

I tend to enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing more - and I'm sure many others here do. Would even be interesting to hear how this new adventure progresses if you are inclined to share.


LazurusLong's Avatar
Dannie? Is your starfish safe from this one?
Drats, you were up to # 3 on my list. Ah well, prehaps another time in the future. Best of luck to you. Enjoy it for as long as you can. Best wishes
Dannie? Is your starfish safe from this one? Originally Posted by LazurusLong

You've been around these boards long enough to know by now, that the starfish is NEVER safe
Good for you Diane, I hope it all works out great. But, if it doesn't I hope I can help you get over it.
I'm happy to hear this Providing really can be mentally exhausting and to be able to find someone who makes you happy, and who you obviously make VERY happy is something to hold onto!

I just started school last week and it's already stressful thinking about balancing both work and school, so I applaud you for taking a step back and prioritizing your life!

Let's PLEASE get drinks soon haha miss you pretty lady!
sending you all the luck, hugs and best wishes
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Shit. I knew I should have acted quicker.
No eye rolling here~ I am absolutely on your side here. Congrats on the romance. Enjoy the bliss
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Dannie, my muse you know I cyber love ya, though I do not masturbate to you daily.

Seriously, you are one the finest, honest and gracious contributors of this board.

Where ever life takes you may your next dream always come true.

The best to you,

ps, you may want to reconsider, You were up to #3 on Bubbas list.
A simple luncheon and I would bet your up to #2.

  • MRMR
  • 08-23-2010, 06:42 PM
I wish you the best always.
If it would help while he is balls deep to have a picture of me on the nightstand for you to climax, I can send you one. LOL
Your a great Gal and someone is blessed to have ya!
Damn It... From now on I aint taken your pics... Took Hot pics of you last time.. BAM you run off.. More Hot pics.. BAM BAM.. Off you go again...

Call me when it get cooler.. We still got that ride to do...
Best To You always..