serious ? for both hobbyiest and providers

Hawkeye9's Avatar
I have been detected with cancer and today I found out the treatment plan. kemo is involved.

1. So to the guys, if you feel like you can be forthcoming have you ever been going thru something like this and still be able hobby or were you able too just get it going. I did not ask the doctor yet if I could do it, more less ask well I am on eccie and..... maybe there is a doc on here who can help out

2. Ladies would you feel comfortable taking care of a guys needs if it was obvious he had cancer, it will be after a couple weeks of kemo round 1.

Most importantly since I live alone and my prospects of a girlfriend or getting a date are gone for at least 6 months this may be a need just to keep me sane, so any help would be great

Just wondering!!!
hawkeye i love you regardless if you have cancer or not... shit i like you so much i dont care if you were stuck in a bubble your whole life... I WOULD FIND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SMILE or if it was a session make you cum! ;( you deserve the best no matter what and above all i know your gonna need support system.. and i will always be here if you need any body to talk to !!! i have never had you in session and have even had my words with you before... but hawkeye.... your awesome! an i will keep you in my prayers!!! love you...

good luck to you hawkeye for a speedy recovery
Hey hawkeye, I'm sorry to hear about the big C. If I'm not wrong I lucked out and was your 50th you know if I can help in any way I will be happy to do so. Keep your chin up and all will work out. Again if I can be of any help you have my number xoxo chelsea
Hello hawkeye, I am so sorry that this happened. I would love to play nurse with you and doctor you all up and give you a nice bubble bath if you would like. Please feel free to pm and we can talk on a special. Hope all goes well with ya, Love, Tara
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If you see a lady and you have visible results from chemo, then just letting her know beforehand would be all that is necessary. I cannot really think of a single woman that I know in this business who would NOT see you based on you being ill with a non-catching type of ailment.

I would think most women would spoil you even more. I would.

Best of luck to you. Right now, I would think finding support groups online or actual ones would be a very good thing to consider.

You have my best.


P.S. Also, the idea of a girlfriend IS always a possibility. Don't sell yourself short. Again, good luck!!!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Good luck, sir, and a most speedy and complete recovery to you!
Hawkeye, I hope you beat this fast I'm sending you a pm concerning massage and why it's a no-no for you right now. Everything else is fine
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-25-2010, 10:24 PM

I do so wish the best for you. Good luck and keep us updated on things.

Take care.
steverino50's Avatar
Hawkeye, best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
LazurusLong's Avatar

1. I've had chemo. It kills off a lot of things and it also weakens your immune system greatly. During my rounds, I didn't have the energy to play much because of the physical beating it does to your body. If you are working while undergoing chemo, depending on how strong it is, you may find you have the urge but no energy.

2. With the weakened immune system, you will need to be cautious and walk quickly if you feel the provider has a cold or the flu. Flu season is almost on us and if you can get a flu shot prior to chemo starting if the docs think it is a good idea, go get one asap.

3. Chemo can and will affect your scent. I was told by a provider that it also affected the flavor and even the consistency of my semen. If you plan to see a BBBJ provider, she needs warned. Swallowing semen with chemo would not be good for her either.

Hope this helps and good luck.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-26-2010, 12:13 AM
+1 for Lazarus.

Sorry about your luck, man. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. As far as hobbying goes, a smart girl will know that cancer isnt contagious. And a smart boy will know that his immune system has the strongest troops on the more important front line, so wear a rubber, saran wrap your balls, and easy on the dfk. I'd probably lay off the bbbjs, too. Better safe than sorry.
Your in my prayers!
caliente's Avatar
WOW... good luck, I think that the more TLC you can get the better, is a hard ride....Good luck again.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I don't know if you prefer variety as opposed to finding an ATF, but if you continue in the hobby during these trying times, you might try to find an ATF. Not only do return clients get special preference, but you would find a better support system with this type of relationship and you're going to need it. It would be easier not to have to explain each time you make an appointment with someone different and she would be more likely to cater to your needs. I'm not trying to hamper sharing the "love" out there, but rather think you need some specialized TLC by an individual who is truly compassionate and strong at this time in your life.

Keep us posted on your progress and know you'll be in our thoughts and prayers.