Bree - Dallas area - Anybody know what happened to her?

What happened to Bree?

Her name is now "guest031312"

You can click on the statistics tab and then the first post at the top by her shows some pics. If you try to IM her - it says her inbox is maxed out.
LazurusLong's Avatar

When a member here chooses to leave, for whatever reason, they can email the staff asking their handle be "guested".

Bree has apparently done so and so other than the fact she failed to remove her attachments from the handle here, that handle is no longer active.

if by some chance she returns with a new handle, unless she chooses to do so, others would violate site rules by putting the old and new handle together.
Thanks Lazurus for the help.

The lady has moved on, and her images has been taken down. Let's respect her privacy by not bringing up questions regarding her previous presence on the board. Should you ever need to guest your account, the same courtesy will be extended to you.