Interesting article on the differences between Terrorism and the Tea Party

Was just browsing when I came across this article. Actually pretty interesting perspective of the writer. Below are excerpts from the article with the full source linked at the bottom:

It’s Time to be Honest: The Tea Party Has Become a Terrorist Group

They’ve done everything possible to hold our country back economically, threatened to force our country to default on our debt for the first time in history, shut down the government and have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars blatantly trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act.
As time goes on, more of these tea party politicians are speaking out against civil rights (even suggesting the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional), pushing for laws that allow for religious discrimination and the anti-government rhetoric continues to expand within the Republican party.

Take for instance the escalating standoff in Nevada where anti-government activists came armed, talked about a strategy to use women as human shields, and Cliven Bundy apparently brought in his whole family (including his 54 grandchildren) to his location in anticipation of possible government action against him for violating federal law.

Because nothing says “good family values” quite like putting your children and grandchildren in harms way while your supporters considered using women as human shields if federal officers decided to enforce federal laws

Could you imagine if a group of Middle Eastern Muslims was armed on some ranch threatening federal officers? Then imagine if one of these people admitted that they were planning to use women as a human shield. Conservatives would be freaking out. Instead, many of them are looking to Bundy as some kind of anti-government hero.
And while the situation in Nevada is an extreme instance of anti-government lunacy being represented by these far-right Republicans, I’m seeing more and more people rally in support of such radical, and potentially deadly, actions.

While there’s always been those nut jobs tucked away in the most insane corners of our country who hoard guns and “prepare” for the overthrow of the government, these people are now pushing their way into the mainstream with politicians who are actually representing their delusional beliefs.

These people have a sole purpose of destroying all the progress we’ve made in this country. Their main goal is to oppose anything and everything related to the federal government because they’ve been brainwashed into believing that the government is some evil boogeyman that’s out to get them.

But the longer these people are given a voice, the more they’ve moved from a political movement to a domestic terrorist organization. In politics, they’re doing everything possible to sabotage our country for political gain while outside of politics they’re becoming even more brazenly radical than ever before.

And much like traditional terrorists, these domestic tea party terrorists have a main goal of demonizing and destroying the United States government.


Was just browsing when I came across this article. Actually pretty interesting perspective of the writer. Below are excerpts from the article with the full source linked at the bottom: Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're an idiot. And always will be. Just to let you know your place in the world

The first two quotes are of people using the democratic process to reduce the size of government. You may not like their agenda, but it is the opposite of terrorism, mope.

The leftists in Greece are threatening to default on Greece's debt. Does that make them terrorists, mope?

Someone isn't a terrorist simply because they oppose your agenda.

The rest of your idiot quotes are about the Cliven Bundys of the world. Small fringe nut jobs that can be found in any political movement.

They don't represent the Tea Party anymore than the Weather Underground represented the Democratic party in the 60s.

The Tea Party (which I generally don't care for) represents many millions of people and works within the democratic process. And THAT is your real fear - that they might actually be successful at chipping away at the federal monolith that progressives love so dearly.

Here is a challenge - can you name an ACTUAL terrorist attack (one with death and physical destruction) that was committed by the Tea Party, mope?
Was just browsing when I came across this article. Actually pretty interesting perspective of the writer. Below are excerpts from the article with the full source linked at the bottom:

It’s Time to be Honest: The Tea Party Has Become a Terrorist Group


Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You can't accuse any group Tea Party or otherwise of being Domestic Terrorist when you haven't even defined what " Domestic Terrorism " even is. So lets test your theory. In order for the Tea Party to be considered Domestic Terrorists, they must meet three criteria. They must engage in acts that are dangerous to human life that violate Federal and State Law. Specific intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population. They must affect the conduct of a Government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Your Thread uses the Bundy Ranch stand off as an example of Domestic Terrorism according to the definition of Domestic Terrorism it doesn't apply. Remember Harry Reid made the statement that the Bundy protesters were Domestic Terrorists and he was wrong.

You'd have to take it up with the writer of the article I just thought it was an interesting perspective.

Exnyer I'm not even mad at you because how you feel is not my business. Lol
You'd have to take it up with the writer of the article I just thought it was an interesting perspective.

Exnyer I'm not even mad at you because how you feel is not my business. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Yeah right an interesting perspective. You have flat out concluded that the Tea Party are terrorist without even knowing what Terrorism even is Domestic or Foreign.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2015, 12:13 PM
Yeah right an interesting perspective. You have flat out concluded that the Tea Party are terrorist without even knowing what Terrorism even is Domestic or Foreign.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Unlike their hero's, the founding fathers the Tea Party is not willing to die for what they believe in...
Unlike their hero's, the founding fathers the Tea Party is not willing to die for what they believe in... Originally Posted by WTF
But they're not Domestic Terrorists.

rioseco's Avatar
Unlike their hero's, the founding fathers the Tea Party is not willing to die for what they believe in... Originally Posted by WTF
How do you pretend to know what other people are willing to do ?
How do you pretend to know what other people are willing to do ? Originally Posted by rioseco
That's an interesting point. I'll assure you he won't answer it.

That's an interesting point. I'll assure you he won't answer it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You guys pretend to know what others intend to do all day long in this forum.
You guys pretend to know what others intend to do all day long in this forum. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
We don't pretend we predict and we are almost always right.

rioseco's Avatar
We don't pretend we predict and we are almost always right.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

I predict that UnderCunt and AssPup will continue being themselves.
I predict that UnderCunt and AssPup will continue being themselves. Originally Posted by rioseco
I'll predict that you have come to that logical conclusion by watching them get their asses handed to them the majority of the time.

The title of this Thread starts with a false premis......"interesting article"

Well, no, it's not. It is totally biased tripe based on conjecture and the imagination of a left leaning lackey.
The title of this Thread starts with a false premis......"interesting article"

Well, no, it's not. It is totally biased tripe based on conjecture and the imagination of a left leaning lackey. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well what do you expect. The OP is a left leaning lackey. He thinks he's being slick constantly posting ridiculous threads like this one. He'll post a few lame rebuttals then we won't hear from him again because he no longer able to type cause he is to busy holding his big fat stupid liberal ass.
